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general help: origin positions

In your origin there are 4 positions that a pilot can be voted in to that give him or her greater abilities within the origin.
Each position is held for 6 weeks before someone new is voted in and each holds a slightly different, yet very important, job which we have listed below:
If all the positions are filled in an origin, everyone will recieve a transfer bonus in starships.

Why do origins positions exist?

Origins positions have two purposes:
1. To tailor the game to the players. Through your position holders we are able to see what you would like to do. What storyline changes you had in mind and we are then able to adapt accordingly.
2. Support: They provide an in game as well as in character support structure to make sure that new players feel included right from the get go.
3. Encourage collaboration: Origin holders have the tools at their disposal to connect a large group of players and have a direct line to the hosts. Through these tools, they can request specific enhancements, events, and other resources, and organize accordingly.
Each origin holder position has a limited capacity of features. When combined, they can be very powerful in organizing events, requesting new features, and arranging group activities. That's why it's crucial to keep in touch with other holders to have a successful term.
Origin positions are intentionally designed to enrich the roleplay experience of both the holders themselves and other players, which is why they may not be very effective when operating in alone.
Office holders must document their activities each term if they wish to be eligible to run in future elections. This system ensures that only actively engaged individuals can retain their positions of power. Explanations that are found to be invalid, false, or misleading may be revoked without prior notice.


The chancellor of the origin has a direct line to the Senator of the citizenship. In out of character terms, this means they have a direct ability to send the host who codes or builds for the origin a message. They also take the responsibility of monitoring other positions within the origin.
Chancellor commands:
cont*ributions: List the transfered materials from pilots and check the requested materials for the term, view pilot material transfer log, view all available contribution points and exchange material contributions
goals : Set up to five goals for the planet. this can be anything you like, but could for example be long term projects you are roleplaying out and would like future Chancellors to continue with.
mes*sages: Allows you to send a message to another origin holder office, or the senator of the origin.
log: Write and write to the progress report. You can also view upgrade history from each office with this command to monitor material usage


The attache for the origin is your diplomat. They will be called on any time a new race is discovered, if there is a dispute, or if your origin would like to form an alliance with another origin. They are also able to read how your origin stands with other citizenships. If you want a relationship with a planet to change, either improve or get worse, this is the person who can make that happen.
In most cases, they also buy the origin planet upgrades.
Attache commands:
View: View the current alliances your planet has.
sanction: sanction a pilot. Sanctioning a pilot will strip the origin benefits they will have such as transfer perks.
mess*age: In addition to the usual messaging options, Attachs can able to send an email to all origin members that are active for the past three months.

Combat specialist

The combat specialist is directly responsible for training new and old pilots in both ground and space techniques. As such they can also view information about the sectors that the origin controls, launch defenders into said sectors and also view what is in the sector. They can also view blacklisted pilots.
Combat specialist Commands:
menu: this command controls everything the specialist can do.

Pilot advisor

The pilot advisor's job is to look after the newly graduated people and handle pilot related concirns. As such they are able to view newly joined members, the lowest ranking members and so on. They also manage the origin fund and thus, can buy monetary contributions for the upgrades.
Most upgrades are handed by the pilot advisor.
Pilot Advisor Commands:
menu: Access the terminal used to see certain information about the origin.
fund: This command takes subcommands which are explained below:
fund view: allows you to see the amount of cash in the fund and the transfer log
fund deposit: Allows you to deposit money into the fund.
Fund pay: Allows you to pay an origin member from the fund
fund set: In each registration center, pilots are able to type donate to donate to the fund directly. The set command allows the advisor to set a minimum donation amount.
fund points: Allows advisors to buy monetary contribution points. The more active members of an origin has, the more these will cost


In terms of actually getting into a position the process is quite simple:
1. Each position has a 6 week period in which they are in.
2. Towards the end of that period, a post will go onto your origin board, which is accessible through the message boards, announcing that applications are now being taken for new holders.
During this time, if people who are currently in the office have not written anything in the progress report, they will be sent a notification reminding them to write their progress report.
3. Head along to your citizen registration office and apply.
4. After the application period comes a 3 day period called "campaign." In the campaign period it is your job to tell your other pilots you are running and why you would be good for the job.
5. After the 3 day campaign period is the 3 day voting period.
If people currently in the office have not written their progress reports, their applications will be terminated, and they will not be able to participate in the current elections.
6. The period of power. The people who won and the list of requested materials will be announced over the origins channel.
It is after this you obtain your position if voted in. Each term lasts 6 weeks.

Commands that can be typed in every office:

Message: Send and read received messages from origin holders and citizens of the origin.
Log: Read and Write to the progress report
List: List the upgrades that you can apply from your office.
upgrade: apply an upgrade.

Recommended help files: help Citizenship,help Origin planet.
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