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general help: mutariansi forms

Below is a table of mutariansi forms, and their Rank.
a small black dog: `r0
a small white dog: `r0
ball of slime: `r0
a small female squirrel: `r10
a small male squirrel: `r10
a female grey wolf: `r20
a male grey wolf: `r20
a small grey mouse: `r20
a small white mouse: `r20
a female bat: `r30
a little female tabby cat: `r30
a little male tabby cat: `r30
a male bat: `r30
a small brown rabbit: `r30
a small white rabbit: `r30
a female turtle with a blue shell: `r40
a male turtle with a green shell: `r40
a red fox: `r40
a red vixen: `r40
a female donkey: `r50
a male donkey: `r50
a white bull: `r60
a white cow: `r60
a dark black owl: `r80
a muscled stallion: `r80
a powerfully-built mare: `r80
a white owl: `r80
a drake: `r100
a female duck: `r100
a lion: `r100
a lioness: `r100
a female robin: `r120
a male robin: `r120
a tiger: `r130
a tigress: `r130
a female german Shepherd: `r140
a male german Shepherd: `r140
a Female Komodo dragon: `r180
a Male Komodo dragon: `r180
a female black snake: `r200
a female hunting hawk: `r200
a male black snake: `r200
a male hunting hawk: `r200
a female chimp: `r230
a male chimp: `r230
a hen: `r260
a rooster: `r260
a she cat: `r330
a tomcat: `r330
a humanoid female: `r400
a humanoid male: `r400
a bull elephant: `r460
a female elephant: `r460
a female black bear: `r500
a male black bear: `r500
a female bald eagle: `r600
A female Black Raven: `r600
a male bald eagle: `r600
A male Black Raven: `r600
a snow leopard: `r600
a snow leopardess: `r600
a female calyara: `r1200
a male calyara: `r1200
Calyaras were a long lived species from a far off planet, and their voices were known to possess a healing effect on organic creatures. For this reason, they were all but destroyed by the vacus with the exception of a few they kept as slaves until the mutariansi race liberated them. They are herbivores and strictly avoid meat since it can cause a mild to moderate allergic reaction and doesn't agree with their biological makeup. They can walk on ground as well as have the power to fly, but aren't meant to hover airborne for long periods of time unlike the dragons.

The forms that are currently ridable are: cow, elephant, donkey, and horse.
Note: The humanoid form is not a human! It has an appearance that is similar, but it is a completely separate and unrelated species.
Recommended help files: help The Mutariansi Rac.
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