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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: misc, but still important, commands

On Cosmic Rage we have many commands for you to type.
Not all of them can be categorised however, and it is very difficult to remember all of them.
That is why we have this help file, which lists some misc, but very important, commands that you may want.
The commands are below:
policy: View the policies of Cosmic Rage.
@Staff, see online members of staff.
who: see who is online
MOTM: Displays the message of the moment.
match: Helps to match objects. See help matching for more info.
Find: find in a room what objects belong to you.
itemcount: See how many of a specific object are in the room with you.
Options: set and customise options.
@hold! typed exactly as shown. Will restrain game output for up to 50 lines from the mud. you will then get the option to see that output when you type @hold! again to unrestrain it or just forget it all together. particularly useful for spam or people who use MUDRammer.
reading-mode/dnd: Move yourself to the "Do Not Disturb" room
brief: Configure your brief options including either not showing desccriptions, or not showing objects.
trash: trash an object in your inventory to completely get rid of it.
people: see who is in a room.
testcomm: test what a transmition will look like.
ignore: ignore an annoying person or persons
@ntips: See all of the newbie tips
hevent: during an event, tell the admins what your thoughts are on the running event
rp-intense: turn your rp intense on or off
save: save your characters stats in case you die
myprofile: view your profile
diceroll and odiceroll: do a random roll of dice, helpful if you are stuck with a decision.
commandlist: see a full list of commands available to you
@changes: View the changes since you've logged in last, or view the ten most recent changes.
@announcements: view the announcements since last you've logged in, or view the ten most recent announcements.
@subhistory: View sub-announcements
t-controls: Modify the temperature of the room you are in if you own it.
n-controls: Allows you to modify the noise level of a room if you own it. This is an OOC action.
toggle-ambient: Allows you to turn on or off the room messages in a room if you own it.
stink and sniff: stink will allow you to set a scent to smell in a room with the sniff command. sniff will tell you what the room smells like, and if you type sniff subtle, you can smell the room without giving any output to others.
w-stop: Will stop you moving if you are using the autowalk to mapped locations donator item or using the speedwalk function, accessed by typing a direction followed by a number. For example, west 5.
ping: Make sure you are still connected to the mud.
sort-objects: In a room you own, will allow you to sort objects either alphabeticly or in the order they are placed.
room-resources: Allows you to see what resources are in a room without looking at the room at large. In this context, resources are things like metal panels, scraps, ETC.
radioinfo: If a cosmic rage stream is running, you can see what song is playing and the link to point your media player to.
bemote or pemote: If you are trusted to a pet or a baby you can make them emote if your are trusted to them and you are not holding them. Remember that is bemote for babies and pemote for pets.
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