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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: interacting with the hosts

There are several different ways in which you can interact with the hosts.
First of all, if you have a bug or some kind of report, you should type report.
The Report command breaks things down into 7 categories:
[1] Bug report. I issued a command, and got a traceback. -This is where you would report any tracebacks you may come across. Please include as much detail, including the command that caused the traceback and the Identification number given to you in the error message. This helps us fix problems and keep Cosmic rage running as smooth as possible.
[2] Typo report. There is a typo, a word is spelled wrong, or there is a clarification required somewhere.
[3] Extra information: A help file is missing information or a command. This is where you would send in information that you may think is missing from a help file.
[4] harassment: I am being harassed or bullied. This is the form you would use to inform the host team about a player who might be harassing you. Please see our policies on bullying and harassment.
[5] A command is producing an unhelpful message: Use this option if you notice that a command is producing confusing or unhelpful output.
[6] Force RP description found
[7] Misc: My report does not fit any of the above. This is where you would file the reports that do not seem to go anywhere else. Please remember, if you report an issue that has to do with a room, you should use the report command in the room in question.
You should be as detailed as possible in reports.


Second of all is suggest. Suggest is used for when you have an idea, want a system changed, or just think something could be that much cooler if something was added.
Thirdly: assist. Assist is "Help! I'm stuck!" and is the most urgent line of chatting to a host.
Fourth is the support command. Support will put in a help request that is not necesarily urgent, but is something you either need help with, such as becoming a newbie helper, or talking about why you got a warning of some kind.
fifth: Questionaires. The hosts often open the questions command, which allows you to fill out a questionaire about the game. We actively encourage you to do this so we know your thoughts.


In character:
Hosts take various roles in character, from five-star generals, to factory engineers, to some random bloke from Earth [yes it was done in an event.]
Each character should be treated as its own individual person, that is to say, do not assume a factory engineer and a fivestar know about the same thing, because they don't.


Links are not a way to pester a host. A host will accept a link with you because they like you, or are friendly.
Hosts will delete links if you use them to pester the hosts.


HTPL's are people to go to if you have concerns, but are too nervous to approach a host.
They are there to be a person inbetween you and a host, and can handle your request annonimously to the hosts, if you wish.
They are also the person to go to about events and things like that.
For more information on htpl's, type help htpl.


Host teleportations.
Sometimes, a host needs to get to a room or a player to quickly fix something. This could be anything from a description, to a shop, to an amount of cash.
If you should be in the room when a host teleports in, just pretend like they are not there and carry on what ever it was you were doing.


Remember, hosts are your friends!
hosts are human like you or me and we love to hear from you and your opinions, so never be afraid to grab a private communication link and say hello!
Recommended help files: rphelp forced r.
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