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general help: htpl's

HTPL stands for host to player liaison.
What they are:
1. Planners, HTPl's plan events with one or two hosts and come up with new roleplay tools or new ways to roleplay. These include items, events and character interactions.
2. Communicate: They are there as a step between player and host. They are there to comfort and to soothe, or, if you are angry but afraid of being rebuffed by the hosts, they are there for you to approach so they can raise your issue with the hosts. This can be annonimously.
3. To work out. Not all hosts have player characters, simply due to the time and effort they put into the game itself and so we can not always accurately gage peoples reactions to new systems, or a change. HTPL's are there to tell the hosts "That works" or "the players hate that, change it."
What they are not:
1. Hosts. They are just players, being an htpl doesn't give you special powers, it simply gives you a channel to talk directly to the hosts on.
2. Punishers. An htpl can not punish you or ban you. The single exception to this is ooc channel bans, but this is only if no hosts are around and the situation is extreme.
3. Given special preference. An htpl is a player, like your good self. They don't get any special rewards for doing their jobs.


Talking to an HTPL:
More than anything, the HTPL's are there for you to talk to. We aim to have a wide demographic through our HTPL team so that we can best assess how systems or changes will affect different aspects of the game.
Host To Player Liaisons are there to hear your views and to translate those to the hosts in a swift manner so that we can continue to make this game awesome for you.
Getting in touch with an HTPL is very important! You can do this through any of the obvious methods, for instance, OTR.
You can also use the contact request system however. We are empathetic to the fact our HTPL team operate on several different timezones and sometimes it can be difficult to pin one down that you're looking for. That's where the contact request system comes in. think of it a bit like entering a support ticket to the HTPL team.
You can use this to arrange a meeting with the HTPL's, or a time where both of you will be on for a chat. To open a new ticket, or to view and respond to one you have open, simply type HTPL.
Only you can close your ticket and we ask for ratings and comments at the end so we know how we did!
This system should not be a barrier to approaching an HTPL directly, which you are more than encouraged to do if you need to.
What authority they have.
As much as the head admin would like it, Cosmic Rage does not, currently, have 24/7 coverage. HTPl's therefore, are the next step down.
Should there be no one else around, htpl's are the closest thing to a host.
HTPL's have the ability to ban you from OOC channels for an hour should you break the rules.

To become an htpl:
Becoming an htpl is easy.
Simply type support and write us a detailed reasoning as to why you are suited to the job, and a host will get back to you! Note that to become an HTPL, you must first be a newbie helper. If you wish to become a host, you will need to have spent time as an HTPL first.


@oocban: Used as a temporary cooldown period by the HTPL's to ensure minimal conflict on the game, and to prevent rule breaking.
HTPl's will show up in the @staff command.
htpl: for an htpl, this command communicates on the channel.
htpl grab: allows you to grab a host for attention
htpl tickets: Access the ticket management system.
h-todo: Access the htpl to do list.
htpl-b: Access the HTPL board, read and write topics to be added to monthly HTPL meeting agendas.
htpl-set: Set your message viewable in @staff.
pro*jects: Work with the projects system. Valid subcommands are add, comment, complete, list, and update. Projects are typically started by hosts and may be commented on by any host or HTPL.
The projects command is sorted by priority, where 5 is needs work on now and 1 is can be worked on when ever. You can change this priority by typing project priority.
htpllog: Write a log of something that you have observed, such as a conversation, that you want the hosts to observe. Used in cases where you believe someone might be violating policy and you want the hosts to be aware.

Expectations of HTPLs
As an HTPL, you will be expected to behave in an unbiased and professional manner to players out of character. As a liaison, players will take cues from you about how they should behave, and they will need to be able to trust you to be fair to them in order for you to do your job.
As an HTPL you will still have the commands and responsibilities of a newbie helper. We understand that sometimes special circumstances or ooc distractions mean you may not be able to monitor newbie channels or help, but please do what you are able.
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