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general help: hosts


Who Are Hosts?

Hosts are the dedicated people who ensure the game runs smoothly. They take care of tasks like implementing player suggestions, fixing bugs, responding to assists, creating donator items, building new public planets, space stations, and other areas, and coding new mechanics. Despite these responsibilities, hosts are players just like everyone else, enjoying the game alongside you.

Do Hosts Bite?

No, hosts never bite. However, they might if you tickle them! Hosts usually enjoy a good chat, and there are plenty of ways to interact with them.

How Can I Identify a Host?

Hosts are easy to identify. In OOC channels, they will have a host title before their name. If you're unsure, you can always check the current list of hosts on the welcome screen. If the name matches, then yes, you're talking to a host!

Types of Hosts

We have four types of hosts, each with their own set of responsibilities:
* Builders: Builders are the creative minds who construct new areas and objects. Whether it's a new toy for a baby or a sprawling space station, they handle it all. If you see a builder around, feel free to give them a cheer. Builders may also take on other tasks such as fixing descriptions, responding to assists, or creating donator items.
* Implementers: Implementers make sure your suggestions are being looked at. They categorize suggestions into neat categories, sort them, polish them, and present them to the coders and everyone else. Before you know it, you'll see a new feature getting implemented thanks to their efforts.
* Coders: Coders are responsible for the game's functionality. They write the code that makes the game work, from the commands you use to access help files to new activities and upgrades. Coders also fix bugs and ensure that everything runs smoothly.
* Wizards: Wizards are the top-tier hosts who manage the game's deeper mechanics and make significant decisions. They are often the most responsible and experienced hosts. Despite their position, they are approachable and helpful.

How Can I Interact with Hosts?

Interacting with hosts is straightforward. Here are a few tips. You can learn more in help interacting with the hosts help file.
1. Assists: If you need urgent help, such as being stuck in an area with no available options to escape, use the assist command. This will alert hosts who can help you out.
2. Report: If you find a bug or something isn't working as expected, use the report command. Choose the relevant category and provide as much detail as possible. Remember, the more information you give, the better and faster hosts can address the issue.
3. Suggest: If you have an idea to improve the game, use the suggest command. Be as detailed as possible to help the hosts understand your suggestion.
4. Support: If you have a non-urgent question for the hosts, an event idea, or want to buy a donator item, use the support command and follow the prompts. This command is great for general inquiries that don't require immediate attention.
5. OOC Channels: Most hosts enjoy socializing and are often found in OOC channels. You can start a conversation with them there. Remember, hosts should be respected just like any other player, and they will respect you in return.
6. OOC Private Links: Many hosts have an open-door policy through OOC private links, which you can use to reach them. However, if you have a donator ticket in the queue or an assist that needs urgent resolution, do not use OOC private links to ask for favors or to speed up the process. OOC private links are meant for chatting, not for making requests.
7. Random Events: Sometimes hosts like to spice things up with random events, such as giving out cash, announcing funny lines, or even messing with your OOC names to make you laugh. You can enable random events by typing options random.
8. IC Channels: If you suspect that a suddenly appeared character might be a host, treat them as you would any other player. Remember, IC and OOC worlds are completely different, so don't assume that the character knows everything just because the player is a host.

General Tips for Interacting with Hosts

1. Respect: Hosts are volunteers who contribute their time and energy out of love for the game and dedication to the community. They are not paid or employed by the game, so treat them with the same respect you would want for yourself. Respect goes a long way, and it makes the game environment better for everyone.
2. Patience: Repeatedly asking for something won't make it happen faster. Trust that hosts will address your issue when they can. Be appreciative of their efforts and patient with the process. Understand that they have many tasks to juggle.
3. Clear Communication: When reporting a problem or making a suggestion, be clear and detailed. This helps the hosts understand the issue better and resolve it more efficiently. Vague reports are harder to act on and may lead to delays.
4. Don't Assume: Just because someone is a host doesn't mean they have all the answers or can solve every problem instantly. Hosts specialize in different areas, so if one host can't help, they may direct you to someone who can.
5. Know When to Ask: If an issue isn't urgent, consider waiting until a host is less busy before asking for help. If you see a host involved in a complex task or conversation, it's polite to wait until they're available.
6. Constructive Feedback: If you have feedback on a feature or event, be constructive. Hosts appreciate detailed and thoughtful insights that can help improve the game, rather than vague complaints which only cause frustration for everyone.
7. Event Participation: If a host organizes an event, try to participate! Engaging in these activities not only enriches your experience but also shows appreciation for the effort hosts put into creating fun content.
8. Acknowledge Efforts: When a host resolves an issue or helps with a request, a simple thank you goes a long way. It encourages hosts and fosters a positive community environment.

I Want to Be a Host. Can I join?

If you're interested in becoming a host, the journey involves moving up the staff ladder. You'll start as a Mentor, then possibly move to HTPL, and eventually, you may become a Host if applicable. You can learn more about these roles in their respective help files.
Recommended help files: help interacting with hosts,help htpl's,help Newbie mentor.
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