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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: glossary

Alias: a shortform of a word. Such as, subatomic, sub. In this example: sub is the alias, and subatomic is the word. you could type sub, or subatomic.
planet: a huge body of rocks in space that people live on. Starships can land on these.
gas giant: a planet with a massive gas atmosphere. Some are made entirely of gas.
Galactic senate: see help senate.
Galactic Alliance: Early form of the modern alliance we know today. This was made up of the dragons and the humans. After Ryuchi were born it was simply shortened to "The alliance."
mating: The act of having sex with another individual.
sdf: species defense force. They are the military of the galaxy. They hold 40 percent sway in the Galactic senate.
Space stations: often metallic bases or huge structures which people live and work in. Starships dock to them via access tubes, rather like docking to a huge ship
Factory: A smaller privately owned station, usually built of metal where pilots run their businesses and live.
Docking Tube/Access Tube: The point where ships dock to on a factory or space station.
Landing Pad: The place on the planet where starships land.
The Space Defense League, (SDL): The space division of the allied military, rather like the old earth's Navy.
The Mobile Infantry, (MI): The ground division of the allied military, analogus to the Marines of old earth.
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