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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: getting started with space on the game

welcome to space on cosmic Rage.
In this file and those linked at the bottom we will give you all the information you will need to be able to understand how our space works and why it was made the way it was.
You may not need all of the information we present in these files, for instance, deep space does not become relevant until rank 900 and up but we have linked them all together in this file so that you have a point of reference.
the first thing to understand is that on cosmic Rage you won't actually need to know much about space until rank 40.
Beyond the fact that there are sectors, little much will concern you until that point.
Getting Started:
On Cosmic Rage, space is divided into sectors.
In the early days of space colonization there were three main types, as it were, of colonizer.
State funded: Often this was government sponsored missions with the aim of finding, and claiming, a livable world.
Industrious: This was usually done by companies and often resulted in small settlements being set up on planets.
individual: These rarely resulted in much and there is little record of successful trips of this type.
Why is this relevant?
It is relevant as the first thing you'll learn about the numbered sectors on Cosmic Rage is that they are, for the most part, directly north of each other. there are exceptions, but the main sectors are all north of each other with one at the bottom and going up the further north you go.
Why is this you may ask. The simple answer is that state sponsored colonies had the most funding available. Governments put huge amounts of cash and assets into making sure that the pretty new city they just set up on a planet was going to survive. A colony failing was more than political disaster, it could completely bankrupt a countries economy. As such governments often went with safe options. Building on space that was already known and using data they colonized near places they could easily supply.
As such a trend began to emerge. that's not to say that there were not, and still remain, colonies in other directions, simply that the biggest, most fortified and stable are northward.
The thing to take from this is: Most sectors are directly north of each other.
As mentioned above, a sector is a section of space. This file won't go into more detail about backstory, which you can either read about in the linked to help files, or talk to NPC's about.
Each sector is 12,000 units in length, width and depth. that is to say they stretch from -6,000 to 6,000 on the X, Y and Z axis.
these are called box sectors.
These box sectors are divided into 9 smaller sectors.
At the center is the local sector. This will have the designation, for example: Sector 01, or Aeloriana Orbit.
When ever someone says in local space, or in the local sector, they are referring to this part of the box sector.
The local sector stretches from -500 to 500 on the X and Y axis, and -6000 to 6000 on the Z.
The rest of the space in the box sector is divided up into uncharted space. this is a little bit of a misnomer as governments are fully aware of them. They are named uncharted however because they change regularly. Fields form and disappear, starship wrecks float through, comets fly past and all sorts. As such, making anything but the vaguest of charts for the area was all but pointless.
So in summary:
Local space: -500 to 500 on X and Y, nicknamed locals.
Uncharted space: Anywhere around local space within the box sector.
Box Sector: uncharted space+local space.
Hands on help:
there are NPC's stationed in each of the home planet's starship stores whom you can talk to to get hands on lessons with flying a starship as well as ask all sorts of questions about space.
They're well worth a look!
Recommended help files: help navigating through space,help deep space,help backstory of spac.
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