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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: getting info about your character

Knowing information about the character you are playing is very important.
That is why on Cosmic Rage we have designed some very useful commands which will display information about your character.
These can be found below:
inventory, or i: displays what your character is carrying.
hs: Displays information about your characters stats, such as health, afflictions etc.
worn/wearing: see what your character is wearing.
@notes: see if your character has any notices.
Rank: see what Rank your character is
advance: raise your character Rank
skills: see your characters skills
group: see who is following you
hunger: see how hungry your character is.
thirst: see how thirsty your character is.
gems: see what gems you are carrying.
smell: smell someone
quests: see what quests you are on, see help quests
objcount: sees how many similar objects are in a room.
train-time: see how long until you can train another skill
charinfo: get information that is singular to your character, such as blood type
Whois: get information about a person if they have made it public. for instance, whois bob.
Whois-sync: Sync your whois data across all your characters.
questlist: get information about the quests you have completed
trainable: see what skills are trainable to you
pills: see how many pills your character is carrying, see help roundtime
upgrades: see what upgrades you can buy
armour: get information on how damaged your armur is
itemcount: count a certain type of item
rppoints: see how many rp points you have
Info: Get general information about your character. More can be found by looking yourself up at an informational center.
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