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general help: full list of pronouns

Find below a full list of pronouns and what they do. Note that these pronouns may not work in every situation, for example, type options won't work with room ambiences, so please use your common sense!
Pre reading notes; in this document, the word subject will refer to the person typing the command, such as, in the context of %n grins, the person who typed grin is the subject. Target will be used to mean the person, or object, that the command is targetted at. In the context, grin bob, bob is the target.
%n=the subject
%fn=First name of the subject.
%ln=Last name of the subject.
%his=his or her, from the subjects point of view
%him=him or her, from the subjects point of view
%a = a or an depending on the syntacts.
%he=he or she, from the subjects point of view
%he2=the targets he or she
%his2=the targets his or her
%him2=the targets him or her
%D=the target, in most instances.
%ohe=random of he/she
%ohis=random of his/her
%ohim=random of him/her
%ohimself=random of himself/herself
%n's=the subject's, example: %n's hat=bob's hat
%race=the subjects race
%gender=the subjects gender
%orace=a random allied race
%ogender=a random of male or female
%arms: the subject's arm type.
%arms2: the target's arm type.
%hand=the subjects hand type
%hands=the plural of the subjects hand type
%himself=himself/herself from the subjects point of view
%himself2=himself/herself from the targets point of view
%w=the subjects walking style, from the subjects perspective
%cw and/or %hw=the subjects walking style, from the perspective of everyone else in the room
%rp: a random player in the room
%sec, a random sector
%ro: a random object in the room
%fingers: The finger type of the player.
%org: A person's organisation, or civilian pilot if they are not in one.
%clan: A person's clan.
%clan2: A target's clan.
%org2: A person's organisation, or civilian pilot if they are not in one when refering to %d.
%skin: A person's skin type EG: Skin, scales etc.
%skin2: A target's skin type EG: Skin, scales etc.
%rc: A random colour.
%RCS: A random colour but from a shorter more basic list.
%ran: A random animal chosen from the Mutariansi forms.
%rh: A random human hairstyle.
%rl: A random letter of the alphabet.
%rk: A random kid.
%rn: A random number, by default, between 1 and 100. You can increase this range by including a number such as %rn1000.
%rw: Random walking style. %RWS for plural form. This draws from a human's walking styles, so use at your own risk!
%rs: Random shape.
%rskin: random skin type, EG scales, fur, etc.

You can refer to random choice outcomes using %pr and then a number. for example: %pr1.
As an example, in the substitution "%rc is my favourite colour, but %rc is almost as good." you can refer to what the first %rc comes out as using %pr1, and the second %rc as %pr2, like so: "My favourite colour is %rc and %rc is just as good. I mean I like %pr2, but not as much as %pr1."
More are likely to be added as the need arises and, if you have any ideas, please suggest them!
Recommended help files: help pronoun substitutio.
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