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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: exits and their short names

Here on Cosmic Rage, we have lots of exit types.
We also understand that you really don't want to be typing a full exit name all of the time.
That is why, we've created this list of all of our exits, along with their short forms:
Long name, short name:
northwest, nw
northwestup, nwu
northwestdown, nwd
north, n
northup, nu
northdown, nd
northeast, ne
northeastup, neu
northeastdown, ned
east, e
eastup, eu
eastdown, ed
southeast, se
southeastup, seu
southeastdown, sed
south, s
southup, su
southdown, sd
southwest, sw
southwestup, swu
southwestdown, swd
west, w
westup, wu
westdown, wd
up, u
down, d
upstairs, ups
downstairs, ds
uphill, uh
downhill, dh
in, in
out, o. ou
trapdoor, td
climbup, cu
climbdown, cd
go, go
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