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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: editting and the editor

Often while entering descriptions for rooms or items, or when writing other text, you will find yourself in what we call the multi-line editor. Unlike single line prompts, this editor allows you to enter text on multiple lines, and to edit the text if you need to. Following are a list of commands available from within the multi-line editor. If you are using a screen reader, make sure you note that all of these commands begin with the at sign, (@), except for the command used to end the editting.

@help, bring up a list of these commands
@list, displays text entered so far using line numbers.
@view, displays text entered so far without line numbers.
@save, saves current text just in case you lose connection.
@saved, views currently saved text.
@restore, appends saved text to the end of anything already in the editor.
@delete, deletes the last line entered.
@replace, allows you to replace a line of text. You will be prompted for the line number, then for the text to replace it with.
@abort, exits the editor without saving.
done or a single period (.) on a blank line: exits the editor, saving what you have written.

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