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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: customising socials

One of the things we allow you to customise on Cosmic Rage is the socials.
Are you a dragon, without a pointy smile? Are you a larkan who just doesn't flip someone off?
Not a problem! On Cosmic Rage you can quickly and easily fix socials to how you want them to look and it's seriously easy to do!
Before you read this file, please make sure you understand help pronoun substitution.
The following are a list of pronoun subs that can also be used in socials:
%he: he/she
%his: his/her
%him: him/her
%w: your walking style
%hw: your walking style from someone elses point of view.
How to set up a social.
Our example for this file is slap.
We will make it like this:
You slap the ground.
kayla slaps the ground.
You slap bob.
Kayla slaps bob.
Kayla slaps you.
How to:
1. Type @edit-social.
2. Enter the name of the social you are customising. In our example, it would be slap.
3. Follow the prompts, using pronoun subs. Here is an example:
What social would you like to customise?
Please enter the message you see when you type this social without arguments.
You slap the ground.
Replacing your name with %n, and your genders with %he, %she and %him, type what other people see when you type this social without arguments.
%n slaps the ground.
Now enter what you see when you perform this social at someone. Replace the persons name with %D.
You slap %D across the face.
Now enter what the person who you target this at sees, replace your name with %n, and use the genders from above.
%n slaps you across the face!
Now enter what everyone else in the room sees when you perform this social on a person. Use %d for the target, and %n for your name.
%n slaps %D across the face. That look like it hurt!


If you have already customised the social, it will simply update your customised version and you will see "social updated!" If you have never customised a social before, you will see "social customised!"
You can reset a social to its default by typing @reset-social.
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