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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: containers

Containers on Cosmic Rage have so many commands and so we decided to make this file in order to tell you what they do.
First, containers have a set capacity. This can be increased a little through upgrades, or removed by donating.
close : close the container
code : set a code that people who are not the owner must type in order to unlock the container
count : count how many items in total are in your container
count-items in : count how many items are in your container that match to
dump into : empty container1's contents into container2
dump-all from : Dump all items matching to from the container
empty : empty your container
get from : take an item out of your container
get-f from : get the first matching item out of your container, rather than seeing the multiple match list you see with just get
lock : lock your container
open : open your container
put in : put an item in your container
put-c : put all items of a certain category into a container
putall into : put all items matching to in your container
rummage in : show which items match to in the container
unlock : unlock your container
some containers may also be worn, type wear for this.
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