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general help: citizenship


In 2492, concerns were raised to the senate of how the piloting core had no definite affiliation with any planet.
This created a legal stink because not only did it mean they were excluded from customs regulations, it also meant that certain protections that having a citizenship on a planet would give you, were not being granted to pilots at all.
After this, it was decided in 2492 that this disorder could simply no longer stand.
A senate meeting was held to determine which planets could support having pilots as citizens.
It was decided that minor planets, that is planets who contained tribal or undeveloped cultures would not be able to apply for this scheme.
In the end, a total of seven planets became the elected few to carry out the scheme.

What a registration of citizenship is:

1. It is a support base. the idea behind the citizenship registration is for new pilots to be able to communicate with more established ones in an open and friendly environment.
2. They are a support system. Citizenships are there to provide a way for you to instantly get stuck into the timeline of the game and a way to contribute to the overall storyline.
3. They are a guide. If you are stuck, citizenships offer a way for you to start off your character with certain beliefs.
4. A way to build up your character in line with the origin goals and beliefs. Improve your character in alignment with the goals and beliefs of your origin. For instance, the Danimara origin, with its industrial focus, offers upgrades tailored to enhance industrial activities while on the other hand a combat-oriented origin like Maraquda provides offensive upgrades to support you in more combat related activities.

What they are not:

1. A restriction. Just because your character registered for citizenship with Navu, does not mean they can not be from Oriali! It is simply that only seven planets are able to support pilots in space.
2. A cleek. Citizenships are designed for people to be open and friendly with each other. They are not for you and your friend to rule over.
3. A Citizenship registration is a support system, as well as a method of giving everyone a voice in both the Galactic Senate, and the decisions of the game itself. They are not an alliance, nor are they organisations.
Once you finish character creation, you will be asked to register at a planet.
If you are not registered to an origin or you are switching origins, you can type register in a citizenship registration office of a planet of your choosing once you go through the in-character process.

If I change my mind, can I register for a different planet?

You can, but it has to be done through the JAG and is a long process that requires a glowing letter from you as to why you wish to change.

What are the origin benefits?

1. A voice in the senate. Your senate representative will be monitoring your origin channel and may speak to you over it at times when views are expressed.
2. Certain special shops and places that only your origin members can access.
3. Some perks your origin provides only to it's citizens. To get a general idea about the perks, give help origin planets a read.
4. Boosts in certain activities. If an activity has an origin boost, it will be listed in the origin planets help file
5. Certain discounts in places. For example buying a plot of land in your origin planet will come with a discount.
6. An exclusive message board category for your origin that allows you to ask help, host an origin related event and participate in conversations related to the origin in general.
7. Politics: Campaign for one of the four available positions and assume responsibility for governing your origin for the piloting branch. Position holders gain access to exclusive commands and features including managing the origin fund, deploying defensive ships during invasions, participating in diplomatic actions, and implementing origin-specific upgrades. Read the Origin Positions help file for more information.

Origin Upgrades

All origins have upgrades to support the origin planet, and its citizens. The upgrades are baught with the various contribution points that are obtained by citizens by doing certain activities.
To get an idea about the available upgrades, you can consult your origin position holders or ask over the origin channel.
For upgrades that are applyed on vehicles and ships, they must be in one of Salura's landing pads.
Additionally, for all upgrades, you must be connected and physically present in the office of the relevant position holder who will apply the upgrade.
Here are the contribution points and how to obtain them.
Contribution Materials: Position holders retain power for a six-week term before the next elections. During each cycle, your origin planet provides a list of materials that you can transfer using your ship or a cargo tank. These materials contribute to your chancellor's ability to purchase material contribution points. To access the current cycle's material list, inquire on the origins channel or consult with your chancellor. Once you know the material list and have the materials, you can just transfer in your origin planet to contribute materials.
Monetary Contributions: Your origin has a fund of its own to help out newer pilots and buy origin related upgrades. The more members of an origin has, the more monetary contributions will cost. By typing "donate" in the citizen registration office or discussing with the pilot advisor, you can donate credits to the origin fund.
Combat Contributions: You can obtain combat contributions by taking part in invasions and missions.

Contacting origin holders

There are a number of ways that you can reach out to the current origin holders. By using your informational computer, you can see the current origin holders and see their contact information.
You can also go to the registration center of your planet and type "message" to directly send a message to one of the holders. They receive notifications when a message is sent to them, and you will also receive a notification upon their reply.

The Origin Channel

Your origin sends an automated announcement once someone ranks up. You can turn these off by accessing your radio's settings and turn it off.
To talk on the origin channel, you will need a radio. Type orig, or origin to say something.
You can type origins to see the history.
You can also type origins who to see who is active.
Typing stats or info in a citizenship registration office will give you stats on each one.
To toggle the channel on or off, type adjust .
If you are a cy-larkan, you need no radio and the command is togglechans for toggling.
Recommended help files: help Origin positions,help Origin planet.
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