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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: afk and brb

For those times when you need to step away, or just don't want to be bothered for a bit, we have the afk and brb commands.

Typing afk, which stands for away from keyboard, informs people that you have stepped away from the keyboard. Brb does the same thing, but lets people know you don't intend to be gone long. Both commands can be followed by an optional (50 characters limited) message letting people know the reason for you stepping away, or anything else you want them to know. Depending on how you have set your options, anyone trying to send you a private message while you are afk will be told that you are afk and your message, or they will simply be told that you are afk and do not wish to be disturbed.
Once you type the afk or brb commands, the game will ask you if you would like to set an incharacter pose which will be displayed when you are afk. This could be useful to convey your afk status through in character means.
an example pose could be something like:Looking away with a thoughtful expression or focused on $computer

When you go AFK or BRB, before you go you can type lowspam to force the MOO to filter out a lot of the channels from your output.
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