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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: Vehicle Commands

Vehicles are one of the many modes of transport in our modern day galaxy.
Vehicles are used not only to transport people but can also be used for combat, mining, pollution gathering and even dust collection.
To check how many vehicles you own and their location, use a tracker.
There are several commands that are a must for vehicles:
From outside:
board : board your vehicle
Note, If your vehicle is located in an access tube, use Enter to board it.
unlock : unlock your vehicle. If you have a keyring which your fob is clipped to, the command is unlock on keyring
insure for Insures your vehicle against destruction. If your vehicle blows up you get paid that amount.
lock : lock your vehicle. If you have a keyring which your fob is clipped to, the command is lock on keyring
open : open a vehicle
close : close a vehicle
From inside:
power: Toggle the power of your vehicle. Can be used in place of START and SHUTDOWN.
start: start your vehicle
shutdown: Turn off your vehicle.
window: toggle the window setting
horn: honk the horn
cam: turn on or off the camera
outside: (If your vehicle has the segmented vehicle exterior) Retract or close the portion of the roof covering that room.
ext: talk on the external communications system
seat: customize the seat
driveout: drive your vehicle out of your vehicle bay.
drive: sit in drivers seat or get out of drivers seat, to start driving or stop driving a vehicle
open: open the door
close: close the door
return: return to a linked ship
buckle: "While seated, will buckle your seatbelt.
Recharge: this will recharge your vehicle. This can be done from a landing pad, garage, hangar, access tube, or ship's vehicle bay.
link: link the vehicle to a ship
charge: see the charge of your vehicle
damage: see if your vehicle is damaged
ram: Forcefully ram your vehicle into another vehicle, player or enemy.
g2a: Typed without arguments will toggle the G2A channel in your vehicle. Typing g2a will transmit a message on the G2A channel which vehicles, ships, and battlesuits can hear.
exit: leave the vehicle
store : from a landing bay or access tube, this command will put your vehicle into storage so it doesn't clutter up the place. You will be charged 100 credits every 24 hours for this.
v-get: from any landing bay or access tube, allows you to retrieve your vehicle from storage.
compass directions: while driving, navigates the vehicle
relocate: from inside your vehicle, will provide a menu of choices for relocating your vehicle to another planet. Especially useful for if you don't own a ship with a vehicle bay.
GPS: Used to add, remove, or view gps beacons