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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: The Resource Market

The resource market is a player-run market.
What does this mean?
It means that players are the ones who supply, buy and sell from it.
An example of use would be:
player 1 goes out and harvests 300 gold minerals, but then decides he doesn't wannt them any more.
He lists them on the resource market at the price set by the market.
Player 2 really needs some gold for his blueprint and purchases the minerals.
Player 1 gets the money!
what things can I sell at the market:?
Here is a list of the items found on the resource market:
Various acids
Various minerals


How do I access the resource market?
The resource market is accessed by using your informational computers.
How do I buy something from the resource market?
Purchasing resources is rather simple. You select the buy option from the market menu and then you are presented by a list of resources. You choose one and are given the maximum amount and choose how many to buy. You are then presented with a price and asked to confirm the purchase.
After you have purchased your resources, you are instructed to head on over to Salmira's office on Ship Building Facility Omega 8.
Once at the office, type collect Salmira and a crate will be wheeled out. Please note that you may not retrieve someone else's resources.
Type use crate and it will follow you to the place you want to leave the resources. This may be a starship or a factory storage room. Type unload crate and it will unload your chosen resources. It will disappear once it is empty.
how do I sell on the market?
Go to your factory storage room. *note, if you do not own the resources in the factory storage room, you cannot sell them on the market.
Then, simply use your informational computer to access the market, choose the sell option and follow the steps!
What are resource contribution points?
In an effort to prevent people from constantly wiping out the resource market, we implemented a contribution point based system.
This means that if you want to buy 500 units of gold, you must contribute 500 units of something else.
Everyone starts off with 25,000 contribution points, so newbie dudes are not left high and dry!
You get one contribution point for every unit of resource you list, however, if you check on your info computer, you can also get bonuses for certain categories depending on the state of the market at the time.
how do I turn these annoying market messages off? I'm not interested!
The toggle market messages option can be found by typing options from anywhere with in the game.
How do I refer to the resource market in character?
The resource market can be refered to as "the resource market" and is run by the general public in the resource trade. Run with that as you see fit.
Rank: n/a
Skills: none
race advantages: none
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