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general help: The Dragon Race

The dragon race is perhaps the oldest of the allies. They date back to before humans were even born and have been travelling in space for centuries.
The dragons are originally thought to have evolved from large lizards on Navu called Difforrus.
When they tried to visit the humans, they were brutally murdered and ended up having to beat a hasty retreat. It is true that the dragons thought they could have crushed the human race then and there, using their space technology however, at the time, the ruling dragon queen realised that Earth was a Class Five planet, and so really, they should not have been there in the firstplace.
Never the less, however, this bone of contention ran deep and when they came back together, the dragons were understandably nervous.
When they first met, the dragons obligations were clear. They were peaceful merchants who loved anything shiny and worth a few credits. The humans were agreeable enough to this, and after a staggering offer of the management of the merchant, mining and money based governmental bodies, the dragons were pacified for the most part. Technology trading, however, was not to happen until much, much later.
Dragons reside on the planet Navu and usually stand at about 10 feet tall. They are a proud race and can be very easily offended.
As a rule, they are a very peaceful race, prefering peace and knowledge over war. They are able to defend themselves though and do take part in some wars, but are unlikely to get into fights or brawls unless their pride is impeached or their young threatened.
Like the humans, dragons do vary in personality, though their pride seems to run deep. They are excellent hunters and traders. It took a while for other races to understand dragons, but they identify by scale colour. A dragon is known to others by his or her first name and his scale colour.
They were the first friendly race to the humans and are their firm allies in the modern day society.
The dragon race uses a translator in order for the other races to understand them. To Dragon's, it is not degrading to do this, rather it is a kindness for them to allow the more uncivilised races to understand the noble tongue.
The dragon race brought the following major technologies to the alliance:
beam cannons,
heat shields
skills in hunting
preservation technology
polishing technology for gems
the banking system
debris cannons

Race Specifics:
Home Planet: Navu, Sector 04
Capital city: the city of Aloarah,.
Open to the piloting community? No
Height: Usually between 8 to 13 feet
Hands: 0
paws: 4, 2 forepaws and 2 rear paws
Feet: 0
Shape: a creature with two wings, a tail, and very much like the myths
wings: one pair
Life expectancy: 600 to 800 years
Mating Rituals: Dragons mate for life. This means, they do not flirt with, be sexual with, date, mess around with, or in any other way be more than friends with anyone they don't consider their lifemate. It also means that it is practically impossible to break a bond once it has formed. Consider this aspect of dragon roleplay very carefully before playing a dragon.
Reproduction system: Dragon young are born from eggs. Dragon's lay eggs once every 2 months. Whether they are fertile or not depends if a male is with the female at the time of consummation. Very rarely, in the case of queens, dragons are able to produce without a male. A fertile dragon egg will hatch after 3 months.

They have the following unique skills:
Fly or just fly: fly about the planets.
Breathe : breathe fire and send it to the room where your enemies are.
shed, shed scales to repair armour.
scales, see how many scales you have shed.
Claw: claw your enemies to death.
Bite: use your powerful jaw to rip the enemy in half.
bash: Knock your enemy to the ground and stun them for a period of time.
dheal: heal yourself or a target
tailwhip: only works on monsters, whip any monster in the room with your tail, knocking them to the ground and stunning them
rush : rush a target and stun it!
roar: scare your enemies away with your mighty roar!
fireball: create a candle that will last for little over an hour. Note: this candle, which is actually a fireball, is personal, and can not be dropped or given to someone.
smokeshield: completely shroud a room in smoke for several seconds.
swish: swish your tail.
swoop: stun your enemies with this unique ability
buck: buck someone off if they are riding you
rumble : say something without a translator picking it up
make: In the cavern of the 17th queen, makes a specialist piece of equipment. Specialist equipment is a type of clothing that dragons can make from scales that will enhance certain attacks from Ryuchi, Humans and dragons.
sharpen: In the cave of the daughter of the 12th queen, will sharpen your claws to give them extra damage. This needs to be maintained, as your claws will get dull over time.
sharpen : Using diamonds from the hand mining activity, dragons can sharpen their claws. It's not as effective as sharpening them in the cave on Navu, but it is considerably more portable and can be done several more times per month.
charinfo: view information about your character including how sharp his or her claws are.
blow : blow out a fireball
Can not use laser weapons due to their sharp claws.
When roleplaying this race, you should keep in mind that dragons are very prideful, but not arrogant.
When interacting with this race, bare in mind dragon's will see themselves, often, a step above the average human. As such, it is best to address them as lady dragon, or sir dragon.
trans: Can be used to change the voice of your translater
firecloak: Produce a fire cloak that will half any damage you take, and cause damage to your attacker. this cloak lasts a varying time on your rank, but can only be performed once every hour.
mount : Ride a dragon.
Unless set out otherwise in the policies or in the above file, a person can not be banned for incorrectly roleplaying a race. Nine times out of ten, the hosts will attempt to coach you onto the correct path.
Recommended help files: rphelp rules of rolepla.
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