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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: The Cy-larkan Race

The Cy-Larkan race is one of the more recent race discoveries. Several ships were exploring to the north, part of the sector expansion program, when to their surprise they found a space station. It was located in what was known as the Purding galaxy and seemed completely dorment.
As is to be expected, the military swept in and, lead by Deputy commander Vorkart Crimson Designation, the team moved in. They found very little in the way of a functioning space station, mearly empty shops, deserted hallways and no oxygen at all. The main security system seemed to be focused around a central few rooms.
The commander is quoted as saying: "I do not need any fancy Science, I need a firm claw." With this, he promptly punched his way through the door.
What they found were a race of deactivated droidlike beeings.
The military moved out in favour of allowing scientists to move in. A group of human scientists quickly took up the project and were shocked to find the activation process so easy. It did have an unfortunate side effect, however. The Larkan imprinted on the humans. Since then, the Larkan have been unendingly loyal to them.
Once several Larkan were questioned, it became swiftly apparent that they remembered little of there Incarceration and thus there subsequent normal masters or origins. The humans offered to rebuild the Space Station for them on the condition that they would be loyal to the other races. The Larkan agreed.
The Larkan are secretive in their race matters and as a result, the other races are unaware of mating rituals or even how the Larkan tend to feel. We know they do feel, however, perhaps due to their human imprint. They feel love and pain and fear, to say the least.
In appearance, the Larkan are rather robotic. They are of similar height to humans, and in recconing of this, have taken the habit of human first and last names. They also, however, take numbers, with which they use to refer to each other more often than not. Very much like humans, their personality varies, though they often feel lonely and unsure of themselves due to not knowing their background.
The Larkan today no longer just live on the space station and are very respected amongst the other races.
cultural views of the larkan
1. Cy-larkans are generally less interested in sexual activities as humans would consider it since their robotic body doesn't work quite the same as fully biological life forms.
2. Larkans see it as the height of dishonor to use their stun gun on allied races unless extremely necessary. Doing so is the human equivalent of spitting in someone's face with the extra affect that they're also stunned.
3. Larkans are not subserviant to humans, but they respect them greatly and often endeavor to mimic their mannerisms since the first larkans awakened by the exploratory force first saw humans and imprinted on them.
Race Specifics:
Home Station: Calira Dura**9*1, Sector 21
Capital city: None.
Height: between 5 to 6 feet,
Hands: 2
paws: 0
Feet: 2
Shape: humanoid
wings: 0
Life expectancy: 100 to 130 years
mating rituals: Larkans do not mate for life, and often will go with more than one partner in their lifetime, to try and expand their race.
Reproduction system: a young larkan is built inside the mother unit, using parts from her body and data from the male. The young larkan is born at 6 months.

Unique abilities:
Built in stun weapon and translator.
stun target: stun a target
trans: customise your translater voice
turntrans; turn your in built translator on or off.
Robot punch. [rpunch]
Torch: light up your eyes so you can see in the dark. Consumes bioenergy. Torch is the command to toggle.
robot kick: rkick
view date/time anywhere: date and time, respectively
Equip modules that give cy-larkans extra abilities.
mod : Interact with equipped cy-larkan modules.
have a built in radio, see the commands below.
Can heal themselves using bio energy. All cy-larkans have an outer shell of metal, with an inner core of biological matter. This, you could say, is their brain. Removing this core kills the larkan in seconds, and biocore transfers are almost impossible. Larkans, however, have the ability to store bio energy in this core for later use in healing their outer shell. A larkan can store the same amount of bio energy as his rank times 200. So if a larkan has 1 as his rank, he can store 200 bio units. With the rheal command, a larkan uses this energy and repairs his outer shell. To regain energy, the larkan must recharge on his home planet in the recharging station.
Can not use swinging weapons.
Are very bad at water activities.
When roleplaying this race, you must keep in mind that Cy-larkan are unendingly loyal to humans. We will not restrict you playing a rebel Larkan, but keep in mind how you will be treated. Also, keep in mind you are not technically biological and thus do not have skin. You are humanoid though and have human parts. Also bare in mind, cy-larkans do not have tongues. They may be able to approximate what something tastes like, but can not actually physically taste food.
While most races eat in order to get less hungry, cy-larkans can use what they eat to slightly recharge themselves. A larkan's internal systems will prevent food from being ingested if their biofuel reserves ar at their limit which may be lower than 100 percent if equipped modules are creating a drain on the biocore.

Warning! while Cy-larkans can survive in water for a little while, if you stay for too long without exitting for at least a minute, the water will cause your electronics to fail and you will die.
Other Warning: Biofuel is a little-understood energy source contained within the larkan's biocore. If it runs out, the cy-larkan will die, so make sure to remain fully charged or near to it if you have a lot of drains on your biofuel.
Cy-larkans can survive in space without a spacesuit for an extended period of time. They do this by having stored oxygen which they use rather than breathing.
You can absorb oxygen by being in an outside room of a planet for a while. This is a great reason to get out there and rp!
You can view how much oxygen you have with the hs command.

Radio commands:

togglechans: toggle your channels
togglepriv: toggle private messaging on and off
/toggleradio: Turn all channels on or off in one switch.
/link : link with a player
/private: Toggle your privacy settings, for whether your location should be displayed in other people's links.
/unlink: unlink a player
/links: view your links
/history: view your private comm history
/accept: accept a private comm
/radio-response: Set your internal radio's automated response for when you are AFK.
/rl: toggle your reply lock
/recruit: recruit for a mission
/emergency: use the emergency function to call for urgent help
/sos-h: View SOS history.
/boost: Boost your internal communicator so you can be teleported up to a teleportation room on a ship.
mboard: Activate your message boards.
Unless set out otherwise in the policies or in the above file, a person can not be banned for incorrectly roleplaying a race. Nine times out of ten, the hosts will attempt to coach you onto the correct path.
Recommended help files: rphelp rules of rolepla.
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