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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: Mini-games on the OOC Channel

-What are OOC Mini-Games?
On cosmic Rage, we love our community, and so the hosts have added little games and japes we all can play together. Sometimes, this is on the OOC channel, sometimes it's other places, but we'll outline them in this file.

The Never Ending Story

The story social is an OOC social like any other most of the time. However, sometimes, it becomes a tool of chaos! When the never ending story is active, you can use the story OOC social to send the never ending story from person to person and write a story as a group. When the story comes to you, simply write one to three words to continue the story. The next person you target with the never ending story will be able to add onto it. On and on it goes until the never ending story gets too out of control that it just needs to end.
Type ooc .story to send the story to someone.


What is a madlib? Well, think of it as a massive fill in the blank story. A host will open a madlib by sending it to the channel. From there on, we will be prompted to fill in those blanks one by one using the ooc madlib argument. If it gets too spammy, fear not. Simply type ooc toggle-madlibs to stop listening to the madlib spam on the OOC channel.
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