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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: Input Form Fields

Why input form fields?

Here on cosmic rage, we have several wizards, places where you must input a bunch of information following one prompt after another after another. However, during this time, you are often unable to play the game because aborting out of a prompt would mean you lose lots of hard work. As such, when we can, we will try to put you into an input form field instead. When you are in such a field, you will still be able to interact with the game be it talking on channels, emoting, using the say command, or really anything you might need to do. The only things you will not be able to do are enter a second form field and leave the room in which you entered into the form field. When in a form field, you may use the input command to interact with it as follows, though the primary method for interacting is simply to type the field followed by the value you want to enter.

Primary Input Field Methods

The main way to interact with the form fields is to simply type the name of the field entry followed by the value you want to enter. For example:
name test room
*Name (Name of the new room)
Value set to: test room
: with no arguments will clear the entry.
cancel: Analogous to aborting out of a prompt.
done: (Note may not always be the verb done) Providing all required fields are filled out, submits the form and allows you to continue on with your day.
? (question mark): Brings up a list of form field values as well as lets you know what the command to submit the form field is. Useful if the command isn't DONE.

Input and its arguments and commands

For those of you who have gotten used to the old ways of input field functionality, you can use the input command to interact with the form fields.
Input by itself will give you a summary of commands.
Input cancel: Essentially analogous to aborting out of a prompt.
Input submit: Providing all required fields are filled out, submits the form and allows you to continue on with your day.
input list: Reviews the entire field and shows what you've entered so far.
input : When typed by itself, will delete whatever you had entered in that field. exception of multi-line text. If the entry requires multi-line text, doing this will put you in the traditional multi-line editor you have likely seen many times before.
input : The first word will be the form field you wish to fill out, always one word, and the rest of what you type will be what is filled out in the field with the exception of multi-line text fields which you only need type input .

Examples of how to use the fields

Say you are building a new room on your factory. You will type build, select the room type, then be put into the input form field. You will be presented with a bunch of fields, but only three are required: exit, o-exit, and name. To fill them out, you might type the following.
exit north
o-exit s
name a brand new room
You could then type '?' to see the form field readout, 'cancel' to leave the prompt, 'name' by itself to clear the entry, or 'done' to submit the form field.

Important notes

PLEASE NOTE: Both canceling and submitting will once more allow you to move around in the game.
NOTE 2: Fields marked with a star, (*), are required, and you won't be able to submit without filling them out, though canceling is always an option.
NOTE3: beside each keyword in the form field readout, you will see either , , , or multi-line text indicating what type of input that field is looking for. If more types are added, they will appear here.

In conclusion

These input fields can be found in many parts of the game, and they might become more frequent as time goes on. It is worth nothing that if you prefer filling out such forms in a series of prompts instead, you can simply type "options field" or find this option in the display category which will allow you to toggle between the two modes. Enjoy!
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