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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: FAQ

What is an FAQ?
FAQ Stands for Frequently asked questions. Note that this list may be expanded from time to time. Here goes!

Q: how big is a sector?
A: Our sectors vary in size, but the local sectors are 1000 by 1000 by 12000, spanning from -500 to 500, -500 to 500, and -6000 to 6000. Each of the uncharted sectors are arranged around a local sector.

Q: How long do shops take to restock?
A: Fifteen minutes, exactly.

Q: What is an info computer and how does it work?
A: An info computer is the computer that will serve as one of the most central informational resources within the game. You will find it can do many useful things, such as:
1. Mail: for sending people messages.
2. Banking: for loans, transferring money to other players that are not in the room, and other such things.
3. Shopping: for finding your items.
To use your info computer, Type use info!

Q: How do I find out information about my character?
a: the quickest way to do this is to go to an informational center and look yourself up. Account statistics are given on the screen on which you select a character to log in.

Q: How do I get help?
A: You can either type newbie or simply type ooc hello! The newbie channel is related for in game questions only (note this excludes soundpacks as they are player built and have their own dedicated channel). The OOC (out of character) channel is for pretty much any type of out of character talk. We prefer that it not be used to solve in character problems or situations, however.
You may also visit the following website. http://nathantech.net/moo/index.php
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