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general help: Dwellings

Dwellings are things people or creatures live in. They are houses, apartments, etc. Here on Cosmic Rage, we have many types of dwellings, from caves to apartments to cute little pods.

To buy a house you must:
1. Find a planet with dwellings for sale.
2. Go to the lobby and type buy to buy a dwelling. Follow the prompts as displayed. Before buying, you may want to type check to see if any of your friends have dwellings at that location and/or how much dwellings cost. Dwelling prices vary from location to location, so just because they are a certain amount on one planet does not mean they are the same price on another.

Full list of commands in the lobby:
buy: Buy a dwelling.
sell: Sell a dwelling.
check: Check who owns a dwelling.

Once you have bought your dwelling, you will want to find what floor it is on or what place it is at. This may require a little bit of exploring. Once you have found the place, type enter. You will be presented with a list of dwellings on that place. This could get a little spammy if there are a lot of dwellings at that place, so your best chance is to look at the last dwellings in the list, which are most likely yours.

Once in your dwelling, it is time to begin building! To Begin building, type @rooms. Each room costs 250000.0 credits, and you can have a maximum of 51 including the room you first entered after buying.
There is also a rent per day for your dwelling. If you can not afford this, a landlord will come and take your dwelling from you.
To purchase a dwelling, instead of renting:
If you are interested in owning a dwelling run by the SDF, (a dwelling that is not owned by another player, such as factory dwellings) You may use the purchase command to buy the dwelling outright, this will cost you substantially more credits, but you would not be charged weekly rent for your SDF run dwelling. You must use the purchase command in the dwelling lobby.

Things you can do:
Build what you like in what directions you'd like.
Name it what you like.
Describe it how you like.

Things you can't do:
You cannot destroy the first lobby. You can rename it, describe it, etc., but you can not destroy it.

Some other misc commands:
Purchase, in the lobby of an SDF run dwelling, will allow you to buy the dwelling, instead of renting it.
@rooms: Rename, redescribe, or link and unlink rooms in your dwelling.
@room-o: similar to the previous command, it focuses on the options for the room one is in specifically.
intercom or int: Used in any room of the dwelling, this will allow you to use the in-house intercom.
window: set up your windows
curtain: set up your curtains
view: set up what people see when they look through the windows
auth: authorise a person to your dwelling
inside/outside: toggle the status of your room from inside or outside
lights: customize the lights
Type: Changes the room type so you could set it to a pool, for example. This will not work in the lobby.
unlock: unlock your dwelling so anyone can enter it

To get a vehicle into your dwelling garage, take it to the lobby of the dwelling complex, then type transport.
To get a vehicle from the garage, go to the garage and type transport.
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