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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: Becoming a newbie mentor or HTPL

Perhaps you are thinking of contributing to the game in some way and you feel that becoming a newbie mentor or host to player liaison is the way to do it. Here are some things to do and keep in mind before you apply for these positions.
Newbie Mentor:
1. Play the game so you learn more about it.
2. Listen to the newbie channel so you learn yet more about the game.
3. Answer questions you know the answers to as if you were already a newbie helper.
4. Spend time reading help files to familiarize yourself with commands and other mechanics.
Things to keep in mind about becoming a newbie mentor-
Newbie helpers are held to a higher standard of conduct than a player who doesn't hold the position. They are expected to abide by the rules and policies both in and out of character as well as behave as professionally as possible.
this is not to say that a newbie helper can not carry out criminal or illegal roleplay, but we expect them to maintain a level of positive attitude while doing so E.G, to not use this as an excuse to go after newbie players or deliberately troll or cause upset.
Host To Player Liaison:.
1. Communicate well with the hosting team as well as fellow players.
2. Not only communicate well with host and players, but start thinking about how you would handle a delicate matter should a host not be available.
3. Initiate or take the initiative in roleplay situations.
4. Encourage your fellow players to roleplay.
5. When possible, support the events run by hosts and fellow players.
Things to keep in mind about becoming an HTPL-
HTPL are held to an even higher standard than that of newbie mentors. Just as newbie mentors, they are expected to abide by in and out of character rules and policies. In addition to the duties mentioned above, an HTPL must still be willing to perform the duties of a newbie mentor. Being professional and maintaining good conduct on Cosmic Rage's out-of-character environment is a key. They must be able to handle delicate matters should no host be available. HTPL are considered to be part of the core team and as such, support the hosts on a public front while being able to voice their concerns and complaints behind the scenes.
Recommended help files: help newbi mentors,help HTP.
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