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gadgets help: sewing machines

What's a sewing machine?

Sewing machines are very simple pieces of tech with some cool applications. You can get them by crafting them on factories or by looking for sweet Donna on harmonia to sell you one. Ask around IC or give her a call on your phone to find her.

So what can they do?

Glad you asked. You can:
1. Make new clothes with the use command. Freed from constraints such as %n, %c, %t, %s and all those other things, you can make up to ten of the same clothing at a time for selling in your stores, wearing, giving to your friends, whatever.
2. Modifying clothing. Sometimes, you might have a zip up jacket, but you'd rather it have buttons instead. Or you have a shirt with no pockets that you feel your particular item does want them. Enter sewing machines.
3. Repairs. Say your child breaks their favorite Stormy White Scale plush. Sewing machines can help you out there.

Making new clothing

1. Type use 2. Certain templates will require you to select a pattern such as costumes, containers, or generic clothing. Especially generic clothing since there are so many different patterns you can use.
3. Follow the prompts to enter name, description, and amount of that item you want.
4. Optionally, add pockets, pins, or modify fastenings where applicable. It is worth noting that not all clothing has fastenings that can be modified in this way.
5. Sit back and watch your machine cook.

How to modify

Type mod*ify with . When you do so, you will feed the clothing into the sewing machine to modify things on it such as fastenings, pockets, and extra pin locations.
If you have form fields turned on, simply type setup to get your item of clothing out of the machine once you're done. If you don't and you abort, or if you type cancel and abort out of the form field, you simply type mod*ify with to get your item out of the machine and start over.
Please note that while using form fields, if you enter that form field and don't make any modifications after all, typing setup will simply return your stuff with no changes made as long as you didn't go in and delete pockets and or pins.


Fix with is your friend. No materials necessary. You sew up the rips and tares in your favorite plush, and bob's your uncle! It's as simple as that.


use : craft a new clothing item
fix with : Fix a broken plush
Mod*ify with : Modify an item of clothing. Or
Mod*ify with : to get something that is stuck in the machine out.
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