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By Nathan Tech!

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gadgets help: lights

Let there be light!
The purpose of this help file is to provide a brief overview of how to get around on the game when it is dark.
Most planet rooms have their own lighting.
Some of them do not because logicly, it makes no sense for them to have it.
If you see one that should be lit that is not, please report it immediately.
When a room is unlit however, or a factory is powered off, you will need some way of seeing where you are going.
To do this you can either:
*use the torch, available for ten minutes on your datapad
*Buy a candle which lasts for a little while.
*Buy a lamp, which lasts a little while and can be refilled with batteries.
*If you are a dragon, you can type fireball to use a fireball.
*Buy a solar-powered flashlight. These flashlights last longer, but for continual use, they will need to be held while you are in an outside room. You can also drop them in outside rooms and pick them up later, but beware the evil trash drone!
*if you are military, there are goggles available
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