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gadgets help: liar's dice

The game of liar's dice, sometimes called cheat, has been a favour of space going pilots for many years due to the ease of the equipment and challenging nature.
You can obtain a game board from stores around the Galaxy and the game play is thus:
1. A person sets up the board, setting a wager.
2. Other people must join the game. the game requires at least two and has no maximum.
3. When the game begins, each player rolls 5 6 sided dice which they then look at and hide under a cup.
4. Each player must then, one after the other, choose either to raise the bet or to call the person who just raised a liar.
Raises take the form of a number on the dice, and how many dice you think are on the table showing this number.For instance, a bet of 7 5's means that you are betting that 7 dice on the board have the number 5 on top.
Raises must always have a higher value than the current bet, for instance: If the current bet is 4 5's, 4 times 5 is 20. Any bet you make in a raise must be greater than 20.
5. If a player calls the person who just played a liar, all the cups are lifted. If there is less than what was betted, the player who betted it loses and is out of the game. If there is more than or equal to the bet, the person who shouted liar is out.
So in the above bet of 7 5's, if someone called you a liar and there were 4 5's on the board, you would be out. However, if there were 7 or more 5's, the person who called you a liar would be out.
The winner of the game is the last person standing and receives all of the credits.
1. Drop the board.
2. Setup : Sets the wager.
3. join : Join the game.
4. play : When it is your turn, plays the game.
To stop the game, simply unbolt it.
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