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By Nathan Tech!

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gadgets help: cards against the races

This game is an adaptation of cards against humanity for cosmic rage!
The game is played with a minimum of 3 players and a maximum of 10.
The way it works is: The judge will flip over a card which is either a question, or a fill in the blank.
Then you can type "play cards" to play your cards.
The judge will pick the winner once everyone has played.
Join cards: Allows you to join a game that has not yet been started.
begin cards: begins the game. This command can only be used by the first person who joined.
play cards: Allows you to pick your cards to play, or if you are the judge, allows you to pick the winner.
say score cards: View the current scores.
quit cards: allows you to quit the game.
If you forget the question, you can look at the cards for some misc info like the current question, who the judge is, and who has yet to play.
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