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By Nathan Tech!

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gadgets help: baby transporters

As you might expect, a baby transporter is a following device that allow you to carry your baby around you without having them necessarily in your arms.
It is important to note that while baby transporters will keep your babies in a soft, safe and comfortable surroundings while on the move, they are not indestructable and should not be taken into combat.
there are a number of commands for baby transporters, listed below:
auth or deauth transporter: Allows you to add or remove additional owners to your transporter
beds: Allows you to access the bed manager. Where you can remove and add beds from your transporter.
get from transporter: As you would expect.
put in transporter: As you would expect.
temp : Set the temperature of your baby transporter.
wings : make your transporter hover or stop it from hovering.
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