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By Nathan Tech!

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gadgets help: The Quadra-med injector

A GMC exclusive gadget, this is a medicinal applicator, adapted for almost any life-form. It is capable of storing and administering 4 different types of medications.
1, Sedatives: A series of compounds which renders the patient unconscious.
2, Stimulants, A drug cocktail which attempts to awaken an unconscious victim or negate a synaptic disruption.
3, trauma medication: A fast-acting substance which eliminates post-revival trauma.
4, Antitoxins: A medicine which relieves poison.
Injector commands:
set : Adjusts the injector to deliver a different medication.
Use on : Attempt to treat the patient with the selected medicine.
Warning: It is possible to over-use or mis-use medications. To avoid injury or death, And even a possible lawsuit for malpractice, these devices should be used by competent medics only.
In the GMC CORPS supply shop:
Refill : Purchase refills for needed medicines.
Race Advantages: None.
Note: Only members of the Galactic Medical CORPS have access to this device.
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