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By Nathan Tech!

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gadgets help: The Info Computer's text editor

The text editor on the info computer can either be accessed by typing use or by simply typing textedit.
Most of the functions are pretty obvious, but this file is here to note a few things for you:
1. CL Drive, full name Cy-llink Drives, are the 25th century version of USB pens with a near limitless capacity. You likely only ever need one in your life.
2. When sharing a file, be aware that if two people open it at once, the person who saves first will lose their saved data if the second person saves after.
3. to edit a document, first type textedit and open it.
Then type textedit again to select what you want to do.
4. To add lines you can either use the "Edit in editor" option of the text edit screen, or to add one line only, simply type note .
5. Finally, people can sign an open document on your info computer by typing sign . Useful for legal contracts!
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