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By Nathan Tech!

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gadgets help: Short Wave Radios

A new spin on an old theory, these devices are simple transceivers which can send and receive signals within range of one hundred universal coordinates (100.0 UC), using bursts of Short Wave Subspace communication packets.
Taking advantage of ten distinct subspace domains and isolating each into ten sub-domains, or channels, the Short Wave Radio offers the user the choice of one hundred frequencies to both send and receive information.
Communications via Short Wave are not dependant on relays, or network support. Signals are broadcast directly across subspace and received in the same manner.
Unlike more conventional communication methods, signals sent and received via these devices contain no metadata, just pure and clean voice transmission.
Since short Wave Subspace communications are not network supported, messages sent out and or recieved are not logged, giving conversations an ethereal quality.
Upon purchase of your new short wave radio, you will notice the following controls, which are described below:
Power, located on the side of the device:
Command: turn : Turns the device on or off.
You will also notice an additional dial. This dial controls the channel to set the device to both listen and send messages.
You can also set the dial to "scan" to actively scan through all available channels. Please note that you can not broadcast while the device is in "scanning" mode.
command: tune to or tune to "scan".
Try it now by setting the dial to frequency 1.1
(tune to 1.1)
Now that you are familiar with the basic controls, you are ready to speak to anyone using your new short wave radio. To do this, simply hold the device near you and speak clearly into the device's receiver. Its just that simple.
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