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gadgets help: Ping pong tables

What is Ping Pong?

Ping pong is a game of reflexes, quick wit, and speed. It's generally played with a single ball and two paddles or rackets, each held by an opponent. Each of the two players stand across from each other and hit the ball back and forth in an attempt to score. Sounds simple, yes? Well, it is, but if you're going to play it on Cosmic Rage, you'll need to be fast as well.

What you'll need

1. A friend or enemy!
2. A ping pong table purchase able in game or locatable at some public places.
3. Some quick typing fingers.
4. Optionally, some collateral to put up for the game.
5. A good sense of fun!

How to set up your game

1. If this is the first time you are setting up the table, bolt it down somewhere if it hasn't been bolted. If you're playing in a public place, skip this step as it'll most likely already be set up.
2. Join the game using the join command. This will unlock the other commands for the game.
3. Once your opponent joins up as well, you may optionally put something up for collateral using the BET command. Keep in mind once one person puts something up for collateral, the other must do so as well otherwise the game won't start.
For example: bet data pad
PLEASE NOTE: only items in your inventory are able to be put up for collateral, and you must own them.
4. The person who joins first must then type the START command and go through the starting prompts. AT this point, the two players decide how many points they wish to play to.
5. The first person to serve is determined at random, and the game can finally begin.

Table layout

The CR ping pong table has five possible places where a ball can score. At any one time, you, represented by your racket, will be guarding one out of those five places which are listed below from left to right.
1. Left edge
2. Left
3. Center
4. Right
5. Right edge
The ball can be served into any of these lanes and returned back along these same paths, so a player must be ready to move their racket in either direction using the le*ft or r*ight commands in order to counter their opponent's strike or serve.

How to play

1. At any time during play, either player can use the SCORE command to see important information about the game. Those not playing will have to specify the table they wish to see the score of. SCORE

2. In order to start the ball moving, the person who's turn it is to serve types either serve, bat, or slam with optional directional arguments which will be explained below.
3. If the person serving uses SERVE to start, each player will have five seconds before a score is made during which they can move to and return the ball. BAT offers four seconds, and SLAM only three. The upside to using higher speeds is that the faster the ball is moving, the more points are scored.
4. While the ball is in flight, use the LE*FT and R*IGHT commands to move your racket and guard the part of the goal the ball is aiming for. Once there, you must use the H*IT command with optional directional arguments to return it to your opponent who will then get the same amount of time to return it to you.
5. When the ball is hit towards you, you will be told where it is going which will correspond to one of the above parts of your goal. This continues until one of you misses the ball or hits it out of bounds.

Using directional arguments

Whether using the SERVE, BAT, SLAM, or H*IT commands, the directional arguments are always optional and always work the same.
When typed without arguments, the ball is returned or hit directly at the corresponding part of your opponent's goal. If you want to force your opponent to move their racket to hit it back to you, you can use the following directional arguments. L*EFT or R*IGHT
If you provide the direction and don't include a number, the game will assume you only wish to change the ball's flight by one lane. However, you may choose how far to that direction you hit the ball by entering a number between 2 and 5. Just be careful not to hit the ball out of bounds or your opponent will be the one getting the points.
For example: serve l 2, h l, h r 3.
The first example will serve the ball into play and immediately hit it to the left by two lanes. If you are serving from the center, you'd be hitting it to the left edge.
In the second example, you will hit the ball back at your opponent and change the ball's flight path by one to the left. So if you're returning it from the center, it will fly to the left part of your opponent's goal.
The final example would return the ball to the right by three lanes. If you are in the center, you would actually hit the ball out of bounds, though if you are one lane to the left of your center, you would be safe to use it to hit it to the far right edge.

Further miscellaneous and information

At any point from after you type JOIN
until the final points are scored, you may type forfeit and end the game prematurely.
The owner of the table can use the RESET
command to do just that and can perform it at any time. This will return all that the table contains to their inventory.
When purchasing a table, selecting "travel-sized" as the first choice will allow you to put it in a container. Otherwise, it won't be able to fit.

All commands

bet : Put something up or collateral
forfeit: Quit the game
h*it : Without arguments, will hit the ball straight. With directional arguments, will hit the ball left or right.
: Join a game at the table.
le*ft: Move the racket one spot to the left.
r*ight: Move the racket one spot to the right.
: Completely resets the game and returns all collateral to the person who typed the command. (May only be performed by owner)
: Get information about a game in progress. Participants in the game can type score by itself to get the same information.
serve bat slam : When typed without arguments, will hit the ball straight. When provided with directional arguments, will serve the ball into play in that direction.
: Begins a game. participants in the game may type this by itself to achieve the same result.
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Last updated Sunday 1st September 2024 05:35:21
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