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gadgets help: Nanny Bots

Are you a busy mother or father with too much to do and not enough time? Are your hatchlings a bit more than you can handle? Do your domestic sub-units constantly require sustenance and upkeep? Does the sensory input of exchanging excrement covered garments with fresh ones, overload your olfactory sub-processors? Are you called into battle and need help finding a last minute babysitter? Star gate productions has the solution for you.

Introducing the nanny bot! A revolutionary new technology that will change child care forever. With nanny bot, you will never again need to worry about those late night feedings, those stinky diapers or needing to find a babysitter, ever again. This is the answer to your child care needs. So, fly on over to your nearest baby supplies store and get yourself a nanny bot today!

What you will need:
A baby, see help donating.
A nanny bot
Baby supplies such as diapers, food, and drinks.
In order for your child to be cleaned properly please make sure that there is 100 liquid barrels in the area.

What to do:
Load all the items using load item name into nanny bot.
Watch as your nanny bot takes good care of your baby. Or so they say so...
Bolt , bolt down the nanny bot.
rename: renames your nanny bot
wood: adds wood to your nanny bot. This is for a later project. You need to have 100 pieces of wood on the ground
fill: Adds barrels of liquid to your nanny bot. You need to have 100 barels of liquid on the floor
scent: adjusts the scent of your child when you scoop them out. Uses water
Load: Loads items inside your nanny bot. Items include food, drinks, toys, diapers, boxes of diapers, wipes.
load-all: Loads everything that a nanny bot can hold at once. Note: this will take sometime depending on how much you are holding
put: You can put a child inside of the nanny bot
scoop: scoops a baby from your nanny bot. You can provide the all argument to grab everyone
check: Allows you to check how many resources are inside your nanny bot
foods: Gives you a rundown on what food items are inside
drinks: Gives you a runddown on what drinks are inside.
remove: Allows you to remove any unwanted foods or drinks from inside the nanny bot
Note: If an item is empty the nanny bot will send you a mail with a notification
Extra note: If any of the major resources are empty, you will receive an email about the matter. If you do not attend to it for too long, your child may suffer the consequences. Please be responsible parents!

Rank: `r50
Skills: none

Recommended help files: help donatin.
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