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gadgets help: Decks of cards

Have you ever wanted to just play cards? NO special mechanics, no score keeping, just sit down and play poker or uno or even Black Jack? Well, now you can in the comfort of your own home with the decks of cards. With the suite of commands each deck has, you should be able to play any game you can in real life with a little bit of practice. IN the commands below, you'll see . In this case, refers to a pile of cards, hand of cards, individual card, or the deck of cards itself. Each of these units will keep your cards conveniently together. Just take some time to learn the commands before playing with your friends.
con*solidate : Will try and consolidate all the separate hands and or decks in your hand into a single card deck. If you have the original pack from which everything was dealt from, all cards will be put back no matter what you match to. Otherwise, tthey'll be put into the hand you target.
deal at/to anything: Deal the cards, separating each person's name by a comma. For example, deal cards to brandon,eli,me,lara
draw : Draws a card from the top of a deck. If the top card is showing on the pile you draw from, it will announce what you draw to the room.
merge with : Merge a particular hand with another. If you target the original deck, it will absorb whatever other hand you target.
play on top of/on/onto/upon anything: Play a card from your hand or on the ground onto a pile. If the top card is revealed on your target, it will tell the rest of the room what you played.
sep*arate : Separate a single specific card from either a pile in your hand or a pile on the ground.
shuffle : Shuffle the hand, pile, or deck of cards.
spread fan : See all the cards in that pile, hand, or deck. If the top card is revealed, you'll get the option to show to everyone.
start : Create a brand new pile of cards in the room from a card, pile, or hand.
topcard : Reveal the top card or conceal it if it's already revealed.
You can even design completely new decks of cards or personalize an existing deck. Simply purchase a blank playing card at Gamer's Haven and pick up your trusty art kit. Design your card however you wish, e.g. write the name of the card as it should appear in the deck. Once you have your customized cards, either purchase an empty deck of cards or remove the cards you intend to replace from your original deck. From there, use the CONSOLIDATE command on the main deck and your new cards will be put into your deck.
Deck building commands:
design : name your card. Names have a 160 character limit.
con*solidate : Combine your new cards into your existing or blank deck.
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