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factory help: requirements for the rank of mini space station

Rank: Mini space station
Physical requirements for this rank: : Description for outside of station, a minimum of 72 rooms built, and descriptions for all rooms.
Other requirements for this rank: All descriptions must have a good degree of accuracy (i.e., no spelling mistakes or typing errors. A good degree of reasoning for rooms (i.e., how a room fits with the station or the station's function as a whole), attention to detail, and be at least 3 lines in length. Additionally, all relevant areas must be well-furnished, i.e., dining facilities, dwellings, conference rooms, medical facilities, lounges, and so on. The potential station must also have a good story idea and show potential for good RP. It is highly encouraged that a few custom exits and/or ambient messages be put in as well, as they make sense with the station's story and rp.
Additional notes for this rank: You must obtain the rank of starbase before attempting to obtain this rank.
Blueprint designs allowed: 20
items per blueprint: 25
maximum charge: 23 days, 3 hours, 33 minutes, and 20 seconds
drones: 150
rooms: 100
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