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factory help: factory hauling

If you just got a brand new factory or if you want to move your factory from where it is, this is the method you will use.
You will need:
1. A factory hauler.
2. A factory, new or otherwise.
3. A sector to put your factory in.

If you are buying a brand new factory, you will do the following:
1. Go to either Star Command or Astraeus and find the factory docks.
2. Insuring your factory hauler is docked to the station, type REQUEST. This will link a factory starter kit to your hauler after you've put in a name and description.
3. Plan to the sector you want to place your new acquisition in and move to the coordinates where you wish it to be using speed 40 since it will detach from your ship at warp speed.
when you arive, dock to your new factory, travel to it's command center and type manage. Select to anchor your factory.
5. If your factory charge is low, type SOLAR to begin charging and then POWER to toggle its power status.
6. If you wish to move your factory or it isn't following you after you initially request it, dock your factory hauler to your factory and type MANAGE in the command center, select to unanchor your factory and repeat steps 3 and 4.

Things to note about factory placement:
1. You may face IC consequences for placing a factory in sector one since it is not allowed.
2. Fields get recycled along with any factories in them, so avoid placing them there.
3. Unclaimed deep space sectors recycle as well.

Important commands:
Please note: You can not anchor a factory within 100 units of another factory, planet, beacon station or space station.
request: From a factory dock, requests a factory starter kit and allows you to name and describe your new factory.
MANAGE: From the control room this command allows you to anchor and unanchor your factory.

Recommended help files: Shelp Finding and moving to objects,Fhelp Command Dec.
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Last updated Tuesday 25th February 2025 06:28:45
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