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factory help: command deck

Usage: For controlling key elements of your factory.
power: Turn your factory on/off.
solar: Begin to recharge your factory with solar power.
Editmap: Allows you to change how your factory rooms appear in the mapper list when someone views all mappable rooms. For instance, if you have a command deck and a storage bay listed consecutively, this command lets you swap their positions in the list of mappable rooms as desired.
charge: Check your factories charge.
tasks: See what tasks are running in the factory.
Estimate: estimate the tax of your factory
rooms: see how many rooms you have used
Docked: See what ships are docked at your access tubes.
damage: check the damage of your factory
repair: start your factory repairing
Systems: Access certain security systems of your factory such as...
[1] setup rift charges
[2] toggle announcing of solar charge
[3] manage your self-destruct authorization code.
[4] change waving the rift fee for clan members (clan factories only)
[5] change cash notification settings
[6] Update security systems
log: access the factory log
Account: Access the factory's cash account.
Inspect: Allows factory owners to review factory room descriptions before requesting a factory inspection.
submit-factory: submit your factory for a new rank, see help factory ranks
submit-tv: Submit a personalized television ad which will advertise your factory as a television commercial. See fhelp factory television commercials for more information.
task-reset: reset your tasks
safety: see who is in your factory
autodestruct: destruct your factory
destruct-abort: Abort the automatic destruct system.
doors: open/close/lock/unlock doors in your factory remotely.
Greetings: Set a custom greeting for a player when they approach the factory in their ship
deport: Send unwelcome visitors to the access tube of your choice.
outerdesc: See what your factory looks like without having to go outside and scan it
fcom: send a factory communication to a different factory
coders: See what Ryuchi have translator coders on your factory and where they go to.
date: See what the date is.
taxitube: Set which access tube you would like taxi's to dock to.
set-mail: Set up whether you would like to receive automated mails from your factory and if so, how often.
Skydesc, Allows you to write a default sky descriptions which will be used in all the outside rooms
Lockdown on, off, mass, status: Turn on or off, lockdown. The mass command acts as a toggle switch to flip all factories to lockdown or off of lockdown. Lockdown will power off your factory, lock all the doors, put shields up and cancel all running tasks.
Manage: Allows you to manage the following aspects of your factory...
[1] Toggle your factory's public status.
[2] unanchor your factory
[3] mortgage your factory
[4] put your factory on lockdown
[5] rename your factory
[6] redescribe your factory
[7] disable factory alerts
[8] hire a shift leader
[9] fire a shift leader
[10] view current employees
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