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By Nathan Tech!

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factory help: Ship Saving

What is ship saving?
Ship saving is the process of saving your ships information into a console for later reconstruction should the ship be destroyed.
How do I save my ship?
You will need a dry docks.
Simply take your ship to the dry docks, [dock with the factory then type transport from the access tube], then type save .
How do I reconstruct a ship?
this is even easier, type reconstruct from within the dry docks.
What is saved when I reconstruct a ship?
Wait, everything?
Okay, so furniture and items like that inside your ship don't save. But basically, the entire ship and its upgrades are saved. Even things like hanging wind chimes will be saved! So it's a very good idea to save your ship's setup after adding a lot of upgrades or other modifications.
But only custom made ships can be saved, right?
Wrong! Even store-bought ships can be saved, so if you buy that expensive ship and spend trillions upgrading it, you probably want to save it!
Note: After reconstructing a vessel, there is a 25 minute time limit before you can reconstruct another ship.
If you wish to remove a ship from the dry dock's menu, type delete.
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