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By Nathan Tech!

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factory help: Enhancing Laser Weapons

What are lens enhancements?
They are, pretty much, what they say on the tin.
It is a lens that enhances the damage a weapon does per shot.
How do I make them?
You will first need some quartz rocks from rock annalisation.
The amount you need is dependant on your Rank and the quality of the lens.
The higher your Rank, the better quality the lens will be.
Every two Rank Classes the quality will go up by one, ranging from weak, to excellent.
What do I do with the rocks?
Once you have made a lens, you should install it onto your weapon.
The beam from the weapon, be it from shot or being swung, will then be enhanced through the lens.
To find out how many rocks are required, type construct in your lab, this will tell you how many are required to make the quality of lens you qualify for.
*** note! ***
Only one lens can be installed onto each weapon and once added it can not be removed!
How to make:
You will need:
a lens lab
a varying amount of rocks:
1. Unload the rocks from the sack into the room.
2. Construct the lens.
List of commands:
unload : unload the sack.
construct: build the lens
view: view stored rocks.
cost: set up the cost for each rock that someone unloads.
Rank: 200 and above
skills: see ahelp rock analyzation.
race advantages: see ahelp rock analyzation.
Recommended help f.
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