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clans help: virtual sector war

Clan competition is a brutal fight for dominance.
Not everyone, however, is willing to sacrifice that very expensive ship in order to go head-to-head in an actual, physical war, sometimes, it's just not needed.
That is why the SDF invented virtual clan sectors.
What is the difference between a virtual sector and a normal sector?
1. It is smaller.
2. It is empty of absolutely everything. there is nothing valuable there.
3. the SDL ensure that no ships enter the area.
4. they are for clan use only.
How does the virtual sector war work then?
1. First, you register.
2. Second you take a look at the current sector map, to see which clans are easy to battle, and which ones are not.
3. By using drones built of metal panels and plastics, you then send out waves of little attack drones to try and claim, or defend, a sector.
4. If a conflict takes place, each drone goes up against each other until only one clan is left standing, which then automatically lays claim to that sector.
5. This is repeated until all sectors are claimed, or as many as possible.
Why on Earth would I want to engage in this?
1. It's a bit of friendly PVP!
2. the clan with the highest amount of claimed sectors each day gets a deduction in those very expensive clan taxes for that day.
3. It's fun!
What are the commands:
Register: Register your clan to join the conflict. for every new clan that joins, a new sector is added.
view: view what clans own what sector
summarise: Get a percentage summary of current clan claims
drone-b*uild: Build some drones. It takes 20 metal and 5 plastic to build a drone.
send: Send some stored drones to a sector. If you own the sector, this will reenforce your drones. If you do not, this will mount an attack.
allies: Manage your alliances.
history: view a history of the clan wars.
Status: View what sectors you own, how many drones are in them, and how many drones you have in storage.
cancel: Cancel a building task
recall: Recall some of your drones from a sector.
Where do I execute these commands from?
type all the above commands from the virtual sector war control point, which is a buildable room on clan factories.
I have no sectors, do I have to reregister?
Absolutely not, just build up your supplies, and mount another attack!
Are alliances allowed?
Definitely. By typing allies in a clan war room you can form an alliance with any or all clans you see fit. You can also revoke your alliance at any time.
Having an alliance means that your drones will help each other rather than attack each other. Here are things that alliances mean:
1. When a clan is allied, and they send defense drones, the defense drones join those currently in the sector.
2. The same above applies to spy drones.
3. Allies can not recall drones unless they own the sector.
Everyone in an alliance gets the reward, however, if there is an alliance, the reward is halved, so no alliance means greater rewards, but alliances means more drones.
I sent an attack, where is it?
Attacks can take between 5 and 15 minutes to arrive, this is to give the rival clan a chance to respond.
What is the difference between spy drones and normal drones?
Normal drones are simply attack and defense.
Spy drones work like this:
You send a number of spy drones to a sector. If the sector is yours, they defend it. Otherwise...
If the sector is not yours, and you have sent more than what is defending, i.e, if the sector has 33 spy drones in, and you send 44, you then receive a report of all the defenses in the sector. If this is not the case, your drones are destroyed.
You start off with no defense against spy drones.
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