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By Nathan Tech!

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activity help: star rescuing


Most people in the galaxy can not afford to be a pilot.
The education alone can often time be very expensive and sometimes, people have other things they want to do with their life.
Most people, however, can't pass up the idea of going into space on a ship being piloted by someone else, and seeing the things that form our universe.
This is all well and good, until a cruiser gets hit by a solar storm, or gets caught in crossfire.
Space travel is not safe, and this can cause casualties. Escape pods, 9 times out of 10, will save the lives of anyone on board, accept in one key situation.
If a ship explodes near a star, the ship will try its hardest to throw the pods away from the offending plasma ball.
It'll manage to do this most of the time but sometimes damage can occur. It can be from a stray laser blast, or from two pods colliding. what ever causes it, this means pods are falling towards a star. Pods have an emergency engine which can keep them out of the star for a certain amount of time, at least long enough for a rescue team to get there usually but once a rescue drone locks on, their lives are quite literally in your hands.
This is where the EPGU, or emergency pod grabber unit, comes in. These highly trained pilots risk life and limb as they hover on the edge of a star to grab as many pods, and save as many lives, as they can.
In this activity you are a member of the EPGU and it is your job to save lives.

You will need:

a ship. Any ship will do.
1. Star rescuing booth. You plonk this in the room of your choice.
2. Star drones. You can buy this upgrade up to 5 times, allowing this activity to be done on your own, or in a group!

What to do:

1. Get your upgrades (seems obvious, but you'd be surprised.)
2. Head over to Tera Base and go to the room called "near star rescuing booth."
From here you will assign and complete your missions.
Type assign to begin a mission and choose from easy, easy to moderate, or easy to hard. Your pod's difficulty will be determined at random between what you choose. For instance, easy to moderate will get you pods with easy or moderate tasks.
Note that higher difficulty will pay more, but is also, for obvious reasons, more difficult!
Also note: Your ship will need to be in the hangar to be assigned too. All of those who you want to be assigned to the mission must be following you for them to get a reward at the end when you assign it.
3. When the mission is assigned you will be told where to go in the format:
Universal coordinates:
star Coordinates.
If your skill is less than 5, you will be sent somewhere in local space.
If your skill is between 5 and 15, you will be sent into deep space.
If your skill is higher than 15, see sHelp the star rescuing mission.
The star coordinates are the central coordinates of the star, so don't jump directly too them, or you will end up like the people you are supposed to be rescuing!
You can check your mission status at any time by typing current-mission in the control room.
4. Go to the coordinates given in your mission and balance your ship against the pull of the star. It may be necessary to leave one person in the control room in order to keep an eye on things while you go and do your thing. Depends how confident you are!
5. Head to the room where you installed your star drone booth and access the controls.
this is done through the stardrone command.
Stardrone enter : Start controlling one of your drones. Example: stardrone enter 1.
stardrone status: view a status readout of your drones.
Stardrone refuel : Requires warp crystals. This will refuel a drone. Drone's need fuel to be able to move around stars.
Stardrone repair : Repairs a drone. Drones that are damaged can not be used. Drones will get damaged over time if they approach too close to stars on approaches.
6. Once you are controlling your drone, launch it by typing launch.
7. Scan for escape pods by typing scan.
You will always start, after launching, in the north section of a star.
To fly clockwise around the star, type forward.
To fly anticlockwise, type reverse.
To stop moving, type stop.
The scan output will give you a region, and a depth.
8. Move to the region by flying forward or backwards.
9. Once you are at the correct region, type stop. then type approach to begin an approach dive.
During a dive, the pod will announce as it gets closer to the star.
You must estimate when the drone is at the correct depth using these announcements.
10. When the drone is at the correct depth, type clamp to make your drone clamp onto the pod.
your occupants will either be alive, injured, dead, or an enemy.
If it is an enemy, type release. Fixing an enemy pod will score you penalty points.
Not fully fixing any of the others before release will also score you penalty points.
penalty points reduce your reward, sometimes quite drastically.
11. When your pod is clamped, type diagnose. Pods have four systems, the computers, the engines, the power systems and the safety systems.
For easy missions, you as the player do not have to do anything. Your character knows what they have to do.
For moderate and hard, the clever people over in Astraeus have come up with a series of translations that allow pilots to be able to look at escape pods in a slightly easier to understand format. Of particular note was how it can take even a scientist with a degree in this kind of thing a couple of hours to repair a pod, even with the computer helping.
As such, each problem is given to you as the player in the form of a challenge of some kind, listed in the below section.
Diagnosis brings up four possible choices:
[1] Discharge an electrical pulse into the craft. If this returns an error, either the computer or the power system is damaged.
[2] Sample the oxygen level of the pod. If this returns a funny message, either the safety systems or the computer is damaged.
[3] Turn off the thrusters for a split second. If this causes the pod to slip towards the star, either the engine or the power systems are damaged.
[4] Take a surface reading. If this returns high temperature either the safety systems or the engines are damaged.
12. Once you have identified the component or components that need fixing, it is time to do just that!
the command to begin this is straight forward: engine for engines, computer for computer, safety for safety and power for power.
The challenges you will face are listed below:


The core has got loose. Spin it left, right, up and down to find where it should be and then insert it to power the pod back up.
No commands. If you abort out of the menus, you will have to start again with an entirely new challenge.
the wires have become disconnected. Find out what order they go in by trying different combinations.
commands: None. Aborting out of the prompts will cause you to restart and reset the configuration.


The pod and engine are both okay, it has simply run out of fuel.
this is a speed reaction game where you have to guide the pipe of the drone through the pod's slightly damaged inner workings.
The computer will announce the next problem and you have to type one of four commands to get around it:
1. Left curve. type right so that you do not crash into the wall.
2. Right curve. Type left for the same reason as item 1.
3. Electrical bolts: type extend to extend a rubber pipe that will absorb them harmlessly.
4. Debris: Type laser to blast this out of your way.
The fuel pipeline is completely smashed to bits. You need to put all the pieces back in the correct position.
This is presented to you as a slide puzzle where you can slide columns north, and south, or slide rows east and west.
you want to get them into the same order as a computer's number pad I.E:
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
Commands: fuel. Fuel look to see the puzzle's layout, fuel slide n, e, s, or w to slide a row or column, fuel move n, e, s or w to move around on the grid and fuel complete to complete the configuration.


This is a simple case of finding the universal coordinates of a given place and entering them into the computer.
The computer will give you the place it wants to go to and then using your destination finder you must find, and enter, the universal coordinates.
Commands: destinations, access the destination finder of your info computer. Enter Enter the universal coordinates.
The computer systems need to be put back together.
For this it is a memory matching game. You are presented a list of numbered parts which your drone can pick up. Remember what each part is and pair it with an identical part to reassemble them.
Commands: None.
Extra skill: If you train the Star rescuing component knowledge your character will learn the technical name for each part, rather than just what they kind of look like.


Some of the heat shielding panels need replacing on the outside of the pod.
This is simply a 5 by 5 grid with spaces for heat shields to go.
Commands: repair look. Look at your current position. Repair visual. Get a visual representation of the entire grid. Repair place, place down a heat shielding panel. Repair direction EG north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest. Moves the drone in that direction.
A fire has broken out in the pod's superstructure! the drone will send in a miniature of itself to put them out, but you must help it find them!
Direct a miniature drone through the maze and extinguish fires when ever you come across them.
Commands: mini look. Look at your currently position. Mini extinguish, put out a fire. Mini move in a direction.
Note: Every 10 seconds, the fire spreads, so be careful that it doesn't get past you while you're exploring a fork of the maze!
13. Once all systems are repaired, type release to release the pod.
14. Once all pods are cleared, type return to make your pod return to the ship and then exit to exit it.
15. Return to Tera Base and in the same room you got the mission from, type complete.
Note: Star rescuing is quite high paying in points! due to this, there may be a cool down period until you can do your next one.


Please see the relevant sections of this file.


Rank: `r1500
star rescuing skill: 1. Determines how many pods you will get in your missions and, 2. Determines what kind of mission you will get.
Star Rescuing Reflex Training: Determines what level of difficulty you can choose from.
Star rescuing component knowledge: defines whether your character recognizes components or not.
Race Advantages: None.
Recommended help files: sHelp the star rescuing missio.
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