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activity help: playing pool

Pool is a game of skill, math, and overall fun.
It is played on a table that is roughly 6 or 7 feet in length.
Each player has a long stick, called a cue, and they must hit balls that are upon the table.
In pool, there are 6 pockets, top left, top right, mid left, mid right, bottom left and bottom right.
The aim of the game is to hit the white ball with your cue, so that it collides with other balls and pushes them into the pockets.
Each ball has a different point amount:
Red: 1
Yellow: 2
green: 3
brown: 4
blue: 5
black: 6
For the purposes of visualising the pool table, we have split it into sections.
From bottom to top there is the bottom, bottom middle, middle, top middle and top sections.
From right to left there is the left, midddle and right sections.
If a ball is in the top middle left, that means it is between the two pockets on the left hand side, towards the top.
When playing pool you must hit the white ball towards the other balls to get them to roll into the pockets.
How to play:
1. Find a friend, and then find a table. There are pool tables in some bars on the game, such as the one on Earth.
2. Both you and your friend must type join .
3. When it is each person's turn, they type cue If a person falls asleep or leaves the room, you can type end
to reset the game.
Type scores
to see your scores.
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Last updated Sunday 1st September 2024 05:35:21
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