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By Nathan Tech!

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activity help: Ten Pin Bowling

Ten pin bowling is deceptively simple but a game that requires great skill.
In bowling you stand at the top of a lane, at the end of which are ten pins arranged in a three by three square, with pin 10 above the top row in the middle.
You have a ball which you get to bowl down the lane towards the pins, with the hope of knocking them over.
The number of pins you knock down determines your score for the round and who ever has the highest total score after ten rounds, wins!
You get two throws per round.
You can play bowling on your own, too.
Frame: a round of bowling.
Strike: Knocking down all pins in the first throw.
Spare: Knocking down all the pins in the second throw.
How it works:
1. go to the bowling alley on Partaculous Spectaculous.
2. You first must sign-up. If you want to do it as part of a group, make sure you follow the group leader, then the group leader types sign-up in the bowling alley.
3. When prompted by the game, you bowl the ball.
the syntax is: bowl for .
Direction determines in which direction you bowl the ball and can be:
hard left,
hard right,
hook left or
hook right.
the power level determines how much power you put into the throw.
the valid arguments are low, medium and high.
Each race's ranges vary, so a dragon for instance could throw a ball harder than a pauagiwa, however, the more power you put into a shot, the more likely you are to thumble it and do it wrong!
4. After you have typed the bowl command, you will be asked from which part of the lane you want to throw from. this determines where you stand and can be quite important! for example, if you stand on the far left, and bowl to the left, your ball will almost immediately bounce off of the left buffer and spin out of control!
5. Await your score!
That's all there is too it, but it's a lot of fun to actually do and gets you thinking!
Ball: Choose a new ball colour.
bowl with : Bowl the ball.
sign-up: Sign up for a game.
view: View the scores for all the lanes, or view to view a specific lane.
View-pins: View the pins that are standing.
To quit a game, simply leave the room.
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