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By Nathan Tech!

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activity help: Star Studies


Star studies is split into two parts. The first is liquifying the solar flames given off by stars in order to gain energy from them. The second part is harvesting the small organisms known as contlats from the currents.
Solar contlats are tiny organisms that ride the currents of solar flames. The organisms absorb the energy like leaches. We collect these contlats and crush them to gain the energy from within.
The organisms were first discovered by Gallia Black Designation. She was unfortunately assassinated before she could release her findings. Later on, her brother Orstra Black Designation released her findings in honor of her memory. She received, in her death, the Nobel Discovery Prize of 2344.
In 2366, Professor Daniel Smith created a containment field that would ultimately contain high pressure liquids like liquified solar energy. Combining the above information and the technology, he was able to launch the first ever star studies business.

You will need:

A ship with high amounts of charge to support heat shields.
A ship that contains a warp drive.
A ship with star study capabilities.
Heat shields are critically important as just being within the star's sphere of influence will batter against them constantly.
It's recommended to start out with 1,000,000 at the very least, but keep a close eye on it. When you get bigger ships, or put bigger batteries in your ships, you'll want to put more energy into the heat shields
so you don't have to watch it constantly.
The probes will launch from your vessel and attempt to capture some solar energy, some may be lost due to the pull of the stars. When all probes return, the laser will fire
and attempt to capture some contlats. Data about the lifecycle of the contlats is then sent to exo-biologists for evaluation.
Reward is given when you land and transfer.

What to do:

1. Find a star.
2. Enter the stars gravitational field.
3. Balance so that you do not fall into the star by setting your warp drive to the same pull as the star, but pushing outwards using a coordinate system. For example:
The sun: Pull 3,
course 0 0 0
warp 3
Note: Your course must be set to a point that is still inside the star's coordinates, or the warp drive will not engage while a star lock is active. For example, you can set your course to the minimum coordinates of the star.
4. Extract any materials you might need.
Larger ships take longer to turn so you are better off star studying in ships that are quite small!
5. Transfer them at a planet to get your reward!

Note: You can silence the output you get from heat shields by typing systems and selecting heat shields from the prompt. This must be done in a ship's control room. Also, the star alarm may be toggled with the staralarm command.


See shelp starship commands.
staralarm, toggle the star alarm.
star lock: lock onto a nearby star.
star distance: see how far you are away from the stars core
star fire: shoot your laser at the star in order to capture a contlat and some energy.
star cont: collect contlats only
star energy: collect solar energy only
Star stop, stop collecting energy and contlats.
star clear: clear the starlock.


Rank: `r610
You can also train your star study skill to allow you to collect energy and contlats 10 times automatically. Once trained, all you need to do is type star fire, and your ship will do the rest. Same with just star energy, or star contlats.Be mindful that your heat shields can go down quickly, so keep an eye on it while doing this.
While there are stars in local space, you can also find them in uncharted space near the very edge of the z axis. Try the corners of sectors, for example.
Skills: Star probes, and star studies.
Race advantages: Humans and Ryuchi both have a +2 in this skill.
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