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By Nathan Tech!

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activity help: Planet Chunks


There are several things we are certain about the life of a planet. First, the creation of a star causes planetoids to collide into a planet. This planet exists and goes through several subphases. At the end of the life cycle of the subphases, the planet begins to split apart.
More often than not, planets often contain life at this point. It is unfortunate to say that many species never develop the technology to survive such a splitting. There are seemingly three species that have, however, three alien lifeforms that collect artifacts on their race and store them on the split up planet chunks.
The species might have once wanted to contact the human race, or even the dragon race. Unfortunately, their planet seems to have split before they gained access to us. All that is left now are stragglers, there minds warped and made insane by seeing their beloved planet split apart. You, as a pilot, have the opportunity to find out about this race.
Sometimes, however, before we can get there, Vacus or one of the other enemy races storm in to the chunk and take it for themselves. The artifacts are still there, but the mobs are different.

Things you can collect:

Metal scraps.
Barrels of liquid

You will need:

A uncharted space ship.
A hover trolley.
A laser weapon of some kind.
A shuttle[optional] or cheap ship.
An axe.

What to do:

1. Buy a uncharted space ship.
2. Go out of our local sectors over 4000 galactic units.
3. Locate a planet chunk and move to its current coordinates.
4. if you have a shuttle, launch it.
5. Land which ever ship you choose and disembark.
6. Planet chunks are completely random in design and completely randomly sized. The one constant is a go exit that leads to a generator room.
7. There are one of two options you could perform:
A. Explore the planet chunk, find this room, fix the generator , kill off aliens, and collect all wood, artifacts and other items of value using your hover trolley. If the generator is fixed, you have as much time as you wish to collect the items of significants.
B. Rush around collecting artifacts and the like, then do a runner. You have 5 minutes exactly before the planet chunk explodes.
note: When a chunk is first spawned, you must also look for a key. You have to find this key in order to unlock the door on the go exit to the atmosphere generator room. The command to use the key is use key. Once you use the key, type "dooro go" to open the door.
Additional note: The go exit will not show in the rooms obvious exits list.

To defeat the aliens, you will need a laser weapon, or to know how to use your special abilities.
It is recommended you take a group for planet chunks.
If multiple ships land:
As soon as the first starship takes off, there will be 60 seconds before the planet explodes along with the rest of the people and ships that are left. Remember, planet Chunks are supported by temporary atmospheric generators. When a ship lands or takes off, it destabilises the atmosphere, which results in a vulnerable and even more unstable planet chunk.
Note: Ships that are 10000 units or bigger will not be able to land on planet chunks.


fix : fix the generater.
check : check the current area for resources.
research : if at a research center, will research the artifacts in the trolley.
stop : stop cleaning from the trolley.
chop : swing your axe to cut down a tree.
put in : put an artifact or a piece of wood in a trolley.


Rank: `r400
Skills: None
race advantages: none
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