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activity help: Fishing


Fishing was quite a popular activity in old human culture. Indeed, in the early 20th century to the early 21st century, competitions were held for the biggest fish or the rarest fish type. After the dragons became firm allies, it became clear that fishing was also popular in their culture. It seems only fitting that fishing be continued in modern day society.

You will need:

1. Some bait.
2. A rod.

What to do:

1. Buy some bait.
2. Buy a rod.
3. Find a lake. You can see where lakes are located using your info computer.
4. Load some bait onto your rod.
5. Cast your rod.
6. When you feel a tug or if someone tells you you have a fish, set the hook in the fish's mouth and begin reeling.
7. Sell the fish at a fishing store, or cook it and eat it.

Note about fishing

This activity could take a long time or it could be fast. Like fishing in real life, it is a waiting game more than anything else. On a lucky day, your fishing might be super successful, and on an unlucky one, it isn't. Also, your chances of success are slightly increased if you go fishing with other people, because on some rare occasions, they might see your fishing rod jerk with a fish on the line when you miss it, and they can let you know. Basically, prop yourself up at a lake shore or aboard your fishing boat and cast your rod while hanging out with some friends with a drink in your hand. It is by far the best way to enjoy this activity on our recommendation.

List of Commands

load onto : load some bait onto your rod.
cast : cast your line
set : Set your hook in the fish's mouth.
reel : reel in the line.
rank: graduate
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