Explore the moo:

What are hosts?

Hosts is another way of saying staff, or administrators.
The hosts of Cosmic Rage are the people who make it happen, and ensure it continues to happen, on a daily basis.
They are a friendly team of volunteers who are ready to listen to you.

the ranks

there are several ranks of host on the game:

Meet the team.


Rank: Builder.

Hello ragers and non-ragers alike! I am Hostess Sarafina Rose gold scale, or just Sarafina for short. I love everything about Cosmic Rage, but I have to say the friendly atmosphere is the best part about the game. Since becoming a host, I feel that my best contributions to the team are description writing/fixing, working with orgs and other areas of rp, and creating items for shops and other important systems. I also feel that I can serve as an effective diplomat, explaining things to players in detail if they are stuck somewhere, or lend an ear to players and use that knowledge to come up with other ideas for the team to work on. Outside of the game, I enjoy reading, snuggling with my pets, and learning about everything natural medicine and psychology.


Rank: Coder

Hey, I'm Draqoken, or draq for short and I am one of the coders for Cosmic Rage. Whether I'm coding a new feature, squashing bugs, lurking in the code like a ghost, or crafting sounds for Cosmic Rage and beyond, I'm always as close as an OTR in the game. My journey into coding started from my days as a player with broken English. Cosmic Rage and its community have given me so much; it's more than just a game to me as it contributed to me in a lot of ways. As a coder and host, I'm committed to giving back. Oh, I am also passionate about sound design. When I'm not coding, you'll often find me designing a new sound or two, or listening to audio dramas. My top pick? 'We're Alive'—seriously, check it out if you haven't already!

Brandon Red Designation

Rank: Coder.
Brandon Red designation also known as Professor Fermata is the main event coordinator. His main job is to increase role play between the players of cosmic rage. When he is not building planets, space stations, or ships you can usually see him performing concerts in one of cosmic rages theatres. Outside of the game Brandon is studying Music to eventually become a music teacher. He is also a green belt in Judo, loves hanging out with friends, and loves good books. So please feel free to chat with him!

Eli Perez

Rank: Coder
Hi, I'm Elijah Perez, known commonly on Cosmic Rage as Eli. I'm in my early twenties as of writing this and love playing MUDs, reading books (especially Harry Potter), and very much enjoy Doctor Who. I'm a part time coder, part time college student, and full time creative mind. I play many instruments, though my favorite instrument is the guitar. I like to think that I have an open mind and am always looking for new ideas. A few words that could describe me are passionate, silly, and curious. If you come to Cosmic Rage, I usually have an open OTR link, so there is no need to request an out of character link with me in order to talk to me, but I reserve the right to close it at any time. Be safe, be happy, and be kind. Also, send me some Orio cookies because they're delicious!

Dante Steel

Rank: Wizard
HI, I am Dante Steel, a wizard and host on Cosmic Rage! I am happy to be a part of this team and to be a part of a community which has such awesome and interesting players. When I am not on CR, I spend my time reading or learning to code in various languages. I am going to school to learn how to develop software which should help bridge the gap on the digital divide and bring blind gamers into the mainstream gaming community. I really miss playing games like Zelda and hope to get that back in my life. I feel I am not the only one who is tired of missing out. Let's hope I do well. If I had to pick one thing about CR that keeps me coming back, I would have to pick the people. When I was a new player on CR, I was afraid to get involved in role play or participate in group activities. I felt like I would slow down the fun for others if I could not keep up with everything. To my astonishment, CR was not like that at all. I found that the people here really care and will help you be the best character you can be. It was that sense of caring and community that made me realize that CR was different from the other games I have played. Over the past year and a half, CR has been like a home to me and the hosts and players, like a family. So, if you are looking for a space MOO with a dedicated staff and a warm and inviting player base, then check out Cosmic Rage!

Lara Stardust

rank: Wizard
Hi! I'm Lara, the original creator of the game. I'm actually called Nate, but chose Lara as my host name to appear more friendly. I'm a big-time coder, spending most of my time thinking up, or coding up, new ideas either for Cosmic Rage or my other projects. I love doggies, particularly those with wagging tails and biscuit-catching abilities and I also love cuddling. I like to think I have a sense of humour, though that's subject to whether you can put up with my bad jokes or not. I come from Great Britain and typically do love a good fish and chips. With vinegar!
My favorite all time books have to be The wall Of Night Series by Helen Lowe and my favorite band is Celtic Woman.