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Welcome to: Cosmic rage!
By Nathan Tech!
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ships help: the planetary destruction system[I.P.I.D.A.D]
For many years since its creation, the planetary cannon was a very simple design, with a primitive firing interface.The logic behind it was, if you through enough energy out of a cannon at an object, the object would eventually explode.
Which it would, the only problem was, shields got in the way.
In the late 25th century, several starship pilots started noticing superstructure damage caused by the force of the cannon.
In 2492, the planetary cannon was ordered depricated by the Chief General after scientific experiments proved it to be unreliable.
this lead to the redesign of a new way of destroying enemy stations and planets.
The system was called I.P.I.D.A.D, which stands for Internal planetary imploding destruction annihilator drone.
For this, you will need the I.P.I.D.A.D upgrade.
Enter the room, and then enter a pod.
See the section at the end of this file for commands as well as all of the upgrades.
the planet is destroyed in 3 stages.
1. You use your drone to take out defense drones.
2. You take down the shields.
3. You drill into the core and disrupt it.
The following instructions assume you have entered your pod and launched.
Stage 1:
In this stage, defense drones will be launched by the planet to stop you getting through their shields.
There are usually 20 of them to defeat in total, or there abouts. Some planets may have more, some may have less. They launch in groups of 5.
When you are ready, scan for a nearby enemy, move nex to it, and fire.
you move using manual navigation where 1 is southwest, 2 is south, 8 is north, 9 is northeast, ETC.
You will see a light flash on either your north, south, east or west side when you can shoot at an enemy.
Simply type fire n, fire e, fire w, or fire s.
Watch out! The drones will fire back. Make sure you keep an eye on your damage and stay repaired!
Stage 2:
You have destroyed all the drones and now simply need to get to the core.
First though, take out the shields.
Do this with the f-d command, short for fire-down.
Repeat this until the shields come down.
You can either type status to see the shields, or just keep trying to descend.
Stage 3:
Destroy that baby!
Once the shields are down, simply drill your way to the core.
Type descend to do this.
You will need to have at least 3 drones at the core before you issue the destruct command.
Once the destruct command is issued, feel free to sit back and enjoy the fireworks.
Important! Planets cannot be destroyed single handed. You will at least need three drones in order to disrupt the core and cause it to explode.
Once someone leaves a pod while a drone is deployed, that drone will self destruct.
Notes on rewards:
Everyone who has a planetary drone somewhere on the planet, be it in the atmosphere or in the core, at the time of the planet's destruction will receive a reward.
the amount of reward however varies depending on your Rank in comparrison to everyone else.
There is a fixed amount of points and cash given out.
The closer in Rank the people are, the more evenly distributed the reward will be.
Upgrades to be aware of:
1. the room extension. Bought as part of one of those listed in the room extensions upgrade.
2. Pods for the I.P.I.D.A.D room.
3. I.P.I.D.A.D drones for the ship
Full list of commands:
enter: From the I.P.I.D.A.D room, will enter a pod if one is available.
exit: leave your pod
deploy; deploy your drone
scan: gives information on the number of allies, the number of enemies, and the closest enemy.
distance: gives the distance to the closest enemy
c*oordinates: Tells you your drone's coordinates
repair: repair your drone
recall: recall your drone
dam*age: Check the damage of your drone
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: Move the drone.
status: Bring up various bits of interesting information.
descend: Drill down with your drone
ascend: drill up with your pod. Why drilling? just because you've made a tunnel doesn't mean it's going to stay open!
destruct: Give the order for the planet to be destroyed.
fire-down[f-d]: Shoot at the shields of the planet.
Rank: none
Skills: none
Race advantages: none
--------- End of file -------
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